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French-English translation for: [Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine]
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Dictionary French English: [Alsace Champagne Ardennes Lorraine]

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adm. géogr. Grand Est {m} [région administrative française] [région Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine]Grand Est [name since 2016 of the previous regions Alsace, Champagne-Ardennes and Lorraine]
sabrer qc. [champagne]to crack sth. open [champagne]
hist. mil. relig. Jeanne d'Arc {f} [1412-1431] [La Pucelle d'Orléans] [La Pucelle de Lorraine]Joan of Arc [1412-1431] [The Maid of Orléans] [The Maid of Lorraine]
géogr. sylv. forêt {f} d'Ardenne [aussi : forêt ardennaise]Ardennes Forest [also: Forest of Ardennes]
cuis. bredele {m}[name of a small bread in Alsace]
cuis. moricette {f} [sandwich] [alsacien]mauricette [lye roll speciality of Alsace]
brut {adj} [champagne]dry
cuis. pétillement {m} [de champagne]fizziness
hist. pol. maison {f} de LorraineHouse of Lorraine [later merged to become House of Habsburg‑Lorraine]
cuis. frappé {adj} {past-p} [champagne, vin blanc]chilled
cuis. frapper qc. [champagne, vin]to chill sth.
géogr. hist. Basse-Alsace {f}Lower Alsace [also: northern Alsace]
géogr. hist. Haute-Alsace {f}Upper Alsace [also: southern Alsace]
œnol. remuage {m} [des bouteilles de champagne]riddling [remuage]
cuis. mettre qc. au fraisto chill sth. [e.g. champagne]
cuis. baeckeoffe {m}[casserole dish that is typical in Alsace with sliced potatoes and onions, marinated cubed mutton, beef, and pork]
cuis. œnol. sabrage {m}sabrage [opening a champagne bottle with a sabre]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1718]Treaty of Paris [1718] [between the Regent of the Kingdom of France, Philip of Orléans, and the Duke of Lorraine, transferring ownership of lands in Grand Est and Saarland]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Nancy [1477]Battle of Nancy [in 1477, the final and decisive battle in the Burgundian Wars. The Duke of Burgundy was defeated and killed by Lorraine and Swiss forces (funded by France)]
œnol. brut {adj} [champagne]brut
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