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French-English translation for: [Art]
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Dictionary French English: [Art]

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abstractionniste {adj}abstractionist [related to abstract art]
exsangue {adj} [art, littérature] [fig.]lifeless
martial {adj} [art, musique]martial
arts math. sociol. primitif {adj} [originel, ancestral] [société, art, méthode, fonction]primitive
profane {adj} [art, littérature]secular
rendre qn./qc.
to render sb./sth. [depict in art, make, leave]
arts exposer qc. [œuvre d'art]
to exhibit sth.
arts coter qc. [évaluer - œuvre d'art]to rate sth.
arts perfectionner qc. [art]to refine sth.
protéger qc. [favoriser]to encourage sth. [art, sport, craft]
arts refaire qc. [meuble, peinture]to restore sth. [furniture, work of art]
arts réinventer qc. [genre, art]to reinvent sth.
arts mus. sentir qc. [apprécier - art, musique]to have a feeling for sth.
arts littérat. titrer qc. [œuvre d'art, roman]to give a title to sth.
arts RadioTV théâtre spectacle {m}
production [show, work of art]
amateur {m} [de voitures, art, café]enthusiast
amatrice {f} [de voitures, art, café]enthusiast [female]
pol. brinkmanship {f} [art d'aller jusqu'aux limites du possible]brinkmanship
textile broderie {f} [art]embroidery
mus. relig. campanologie {f}campanology [art of bell-ringing]
danse sport capoeira {f} [art martial afro-brésilien]capoeira [Brazilian martial art]
cuis. cuisine {f} [art culinaire]cookery
arts théâtre dramaturgie {f} [art]dramatics
arts théâtre dramaturgie {f} [art]dramatic art
arts fixage {m} [en restauration]consolidation [in art restauration]
ind. joaillerie {f} [art]jeweler's craft [Am.]
ind. joaillerie {f} [art]jeweller's craft [Br.]
arts kōlam {m}Kolam [traditional decorative Asian art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions]
arts kōlam {m}Muggu [traditional decorative Asian art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions]
arts mime {m} [art]mime
navet {m} [fam.][rubbishy / trashy film, book, work of art etc.]
arts matériel orfèvrerie {f} [art]goldsmithing
théâtre pantomime {f} [art]mime
œnol. sommellerie {f} [art du service des vins]wine waiting [sommellerie]
zool. tauromachie {f}tauromachy [bullfighting art]
arts xylographie {f} [l'art]woodcarving
arts xylographie {f} [l'art]woodcut
arts xylographie {f} [l'art]xylography
arts xylographie {f} [l'art]woodblock print
2 Words: Others
très remarqué {adj}highly respected [work of art, etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
arts art {m} urbain [street art]street art
meub. cosy-corner {m} [art déco]cosy-corner [corner couch surrounded by shelves]
arts objet {m} exposéexhibit [object shown in a museum or art gallery]
arts œuvre {f} d'artartwork [work of art]
arts pièce {f} d'expositionexhibit [object shown in a museum or art gallery]
3 Words: Nouns
bot. hort. art {m} du bonsaïbonsai [art of growing bonsai]
bot. hort. art {m} du bonzaïbonsai [art of growing bonsai]
arts peinture {f} à l'huile [tableau]oil painting [picture, art]
méd. test {m} rapide antigénique <TRA> [aussi : test rapide]rapid antigen test <RAT> [also: rapid antigen detection test (RADT), antigen rapid test (ART), or rapid test]
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