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French-English translation for: [Br.:]
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Dictionary French English: [Br ]

Translation 1 - 50 of 7016  >>

chim. aérosolisé {adj} {past-p}aerosolised [Br.]
esthétique {adj}aesthetic [Br.]
esthétiquement {adv}aesthetically [Br.]
méd. étiologique {adj}aetiological [Br.]
torturant {adj} {pres-p}agonising [Br.]
américanisé {adj} {past-p}Americanised [Br.]
biol. amibien {adj}amoebic [Br.]
anémique {adj}anaemic [Br.]
biol. anaérobie {adj}anaerobic [Br.]
méd. pharm. anesthésiant {adj}anaesthetic [Br.]
méd. pharm. anesthésique {adj}anaesthetic [Br.]
biol. méd. prénatal {adj}antenatal [Br.]
méd. hémostatique {adj}antihaemorrhagic [Br.]
appétissant {adj}appetising [Br.]
cuis. ragoûtant {adj} {pres-p}appetising [Br.]
argentin {adj}Argentinian [Br.]
blindé {adj}armoured [Br.]
accordé {adj} {past-p}authorised [Br.]
autorisé {adj} {past-p}authorised [Br.]
frelaté {adj} {past-p}bastardised [Br.]
comportemental {adj}behavioural [Br.]
biseauté {adj} {past-p}bevelled [Br.]
Zut !Blast! [Br.]
œnol. botrytisé {adj} {past-p}botrytised [Br.]
annulable {adj}cancellable [Br.]
résiliable {adj}cancellable [Br.]
annulé {adj} {past-p}cancelled [Br.]
cuis. caramélisé {adj} {past-p}caramelised [Br.]
carbonisé {adj} {past-p}carbonised [Br.]
corrosif {adj}cauterising [Br.]
centralisé {adj} {past-p}centralised [Br.]
centralisateur {adj}centralising [Br.]
centraliste {adj}centralising [Br.]
centré {adj} {past-p}centred [Br.]
caractérisé {adj} {past-p}characterised [Br.]
civilisationnel {adj}civilisational [Br.]
civilisé {adj} {past-p}civilised [Br.]
éduqué {adj} {past-p}civilised [Br.]
discernable {adj}cognisable [Br.]
géogr. hist. pol. colonisé {adj} {past-p}colonised [Br.]
coloré {adj}colourful [Br.]
iridescent {adj}colourful [Br.]
incolore {adj}colourless [Br.]
confortablement {adv}cosily [Br.]
agréable {adj}cosy [Br.]
douillet {adj}cosy [Br.]
consultatif {adj}counselling [Br.]
incriminant {adj} {pres-p}criminalising [Br.]
critiqué {adj} {past-p}criticised [Br.]
adaptable {adj}customisable [Br.]
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