| French | English | |
| unit [1,136 litres] | quart [Br.] [quarter of British gallon] | |
| te {pron} | thee [archaic or British regional] | |
| ton {adj} | thy [archaic or regional British] | |
Nouns |
| naut. PoSauv. société {f} nationale de sauvetage en mer | [similar to British Royal Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)] | |
| cuis. crêpe {f} dentelle | [thin crunchy Britanny biscuit, similar to British brandy snap] | |
| géogr. Aurigny {f} [île et dépendance de la Couronne britannique] | Alderney [island and a British Crown Dependency] | |
| géogr. Anguilla {f} [territoire britannique d'outre-mer] | Anguilla <.ai> [British overseas territory in the Caribbean] | |
| cuis. gâteau {m} de Battenberg | Battenberg [also: Battenburg] [classic British cake] | |
| pol. UE Brexit {m} [fam.] [retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne] | Brexit [coll.] [short for: British exit from the EU] | |
| géogr. Gibraltar {m} [territoire britannique d'outre-mer] | Gibraltar <.gi> [British Overseas Territory] | |
| géogr. Guernesey {f} [île et dépendance de la Couronne britannique] | Guernsey [island and a British Crown Dependency] | |
| géogr. Jersey {f} [Bailliage de Jersey] [île et dépendance de la Couronne britannique] | Jersey [Bailiwick of Jersey] [island and self-governing British Crown Dependency] | |
| cosm. laque {f} | lacquer [varnish] [also British for: hairspray] | |
| Montserrat {f} [île des Antilles située, territoire britannique d'outre-mer] | Montserrat <.ms> [a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean] | |
| géogr. Sercq {f} [île et dépendance de la Couronne britannique] | Sark [island and a British Crown Dependency] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| zool. bulldog {m} anglais | (English) Bulldog [also: British Bulldog] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} noire | Black War [conflicts in Tasmania between British colonists and Aboriginal Tasmanians from the mid-1820s to 1832] | |
| comm. hist. pol. blocus {m} continental [1806-1814] [aussi : le Blocus] | Continental Blockade [1806-1814] [also: Continental System] [large-scale embargo against British trade - policy of Napoleon against the UK during the Napoleonic Wars] | |
| géogr. Îles {f.pl} Malouines | Falkland Islands <.fk> [British overseas territory] | |
| éduc. sixième {m} | first form [of British secondary schools where pupils start at eleven years of age] | |
| adm. transp. permis {m} poids lourd | HGV licence [Br.] [common British term] [Heavy Goods Vehicle licence] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. Nouvelle-Irlande {f} | New Ireland [Crown colony of Great Britain twice established in modern-day Maine after British forces captured the area during the American Revolutionary Wars] | |
| hist. mil. naut. expédition {f} de Penobscot [1779] | Penobscot Expedition [1779] [US naval armada sent to reclaim control of mid-coast Maine from the British. Resulted in worse US naval defeat before Pearl Habor] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerres {f.pl} xhosas [1779-1879] [aussi : guerres cafres] | Xhosa Wars [1779-1879] [also: Cape Frontier Wars or Kaffir Wars] [series of 9 wars between the Xhosa Kingdom and the British Empire] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de La Corogne [1809] | Battle of Corunna [also: Battle of Elviña] [early in the Peninsular War, the French Army humiliated the British Army and forced it to evacuate by sea] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de Magdala [1868] | Battle of Magdala [1868] [successful conclusion of the British Expedition to Abyssinia to rescue missionaries] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de Talavera [1809] | Battle of Talavera [1809] [major battle in the Peninsular War where British & Spanish forces defeated the Napoleonic Army outside Madrid] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Trafalgar [1805] | Battle of Trafalgar [1805] [British naval fleet commanded by Nelson completely destroyed the numerically superior French/Spanish fleet, confirming British naval supremacy] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Vimeiro [1808] | Battle of Vimeiro [1808] [the British under General Wellesley defeated the French under General Junot, putting an end to the first French invasion of Portugal] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Vitoria [1813] | Battle of Vitoria [1813] [combined British, Portuguese and Spanish army broke the French army leading to victory in the Peninsular War] | |
| géogr. îles {f.pl} Vierges britanniques [un archipel des Antilles et un territoire d'outre-mer du Royaume-Uni] | British Virgin Islands <.vg> [also: Virgin Islands] [a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean] | |
| hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} ndébélé [1893 - 1894] | First Matabele War [1893 - 1894] [decisive victory by British South Africa Company against the Ndebele (Matabele) Kingdom] | |
| hist. mil. pol. seconde guerre {f} ndébélé [1896 - 1897] | Second Matabele War [1896 - 1897] [British South Africa Company quashed the Ndebele uprising] | |
4 Words: Others |
| pol. Dieu et mon droit. [devise de la monarchie britannique] | God and my right. [motto of the British monarch] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} des Cardinaux [1759] | Battle of Quiberon Bay [1759] [major victory of British navy over the French] | |
| cuis. gâteau {m} aux fruits secs | cake with dried fruits [e.g. British Christmas cake, Scottish Dundee cake] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} de l'Alma [1854] | Battle of the Alma (River) [1854] [battle in the Crimean War where an allied expeditionary (French, British, and Ottoman) forces defeating Russian forces] | |
| hist. mil. naut. seconde bataille {f} du cap Finisterre [1747] | second battle of Cape Finisterre [1747] [major victory of British navy over the French] | |
| géogr. Géorgie {f} du Sud-et-les îles Sandwich du Sud | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [British overseas territory] | |