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Dictionary French English: [CA]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28


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comm. fin. valoir qc. [coûter] [Ça vaut combien ?]to be priced at sth.
voltiger [voler çà et là]to flit about
minér. apatite {f} [(Ca,Ba,Pb,Sr,etc.)5(PO4,CO3)3(F,Cl,OH)]apatite [(Ca,Ba,Pb,Sr,etc.)5(PO4,CO3)3(F,Cl,OH)]
minér. augite {f} [(Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6]augite
minér. calcioburbankite {f} [Na3(Ca,Ce,La,Sr)3(CO3)5]calcioburbankite
hist. Rollon {m} [aussi : Robert Ier le Riche] [850-ca 932]Rollon [850-ca 932] [Robert, 1st Duke of Normandy]
2 Words
Ça gaze ? [Ça va bien ?] [fam.]How's it hanging? [How's it going?] [sl.]
Pitié ! [fam.] [loc.] [ça suffit]For pity's sake! [idiom]
chim. chaux {f} éteinte [Ca(OH)2]slaked lime [also: hydrated lime, caustic lime, builders' lime, slaked lime, cal, or pickling lime]
3 Words
C'est à qui ? [fam.] [loc.] [Ça appartient à qui ?]Whose is it?
C'est à qui ? [fam.] [loc.] [Ça appartient à qui ?]Whose is that?
C'est à qui ? [fam.] [loc.] [Ça appartient à qui ?]Whose is this?
C'est à toi. [Ça t'appartient.]This is yours.
croiser les doigts [aussi fig.] [pour que ça réussisse]to keep one's fingers crossed [also fig.]
alim. chim. benzoate {m} de calcium [C14H10CaO4, Ca(C6H5CO2)2] [E-213]calcium benzoate
chim. bicarbonate {m} de calcium [Ca(HCO3)2]calcium bicarbonate
chim. bromate {m} de calcium [Ca(BrO3)2]calcium bromate
chim. hydrogénocarbonate {m} de calcium [Ca(HCO3)2]calcium hydrogen carbonate
chim. hydroxyde {m} de calcium [Ca(OH)2]calcium hydroxide
chim. hydroxyde {m} de calcium [Ca(OH)2]slaked lime [also: hydrated lime, caustic lime, builders' lime, slaked lime, cal, or pickling lime]
chim. iodate {m} de calcium [Ca(IO3)2]calcium iodate
chim. nitrate {m} de calcium [Ca(NO₃)₂]calcium nitrate
4 Words
en êtes-vous ? [comment ça va]How's it going?
5+ Words
C'est de la rigolade ! [fam.] [ça ne vaut rien]It's rubbish! [It's not worth it.]
C'est de la rigolade ! [fam.] [ça ne vaut rien]It's not worth it!
Non mais tout de même ! [loc.] [Ça suffit.]I'm not messing around! [coll.] [idiom] [Stop or I'll lose my temper.]
Plus ça change, plus ça reste la même chose. [1849] [Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr]The more it changes, the more it's the same thing. [often quoted in French]
Tu dis ça parce que ça t'arrange.You say that because it suits you.
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