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French-English translation for: [City]
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Dictionary French English: [City]

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dr. sis à {adj} {past-p} [+ville] [littéraire]located [+city]
laissé à l'abandon {adj}scruffy [park, city]
tourisme VocVoy. plan {m} [carte touristique]
map [city, town, streets, subway]
géogr. La Corogne {f}A Coruña [historical English: Corunna or The Groyne] [city in Galicia, Spain]
géogr. Albuquerque {f} [ville de l'État du Nouveau-Mexique, aux États-Unis]Albuquerque [also: Duke City]
géogr. pol. Banjul {f} [capitale de la Gambie]Banjul [also: City of Banjul]
géogr. Brunswick {f}Brunswick [German city of Braunschweig]
grande ville {f}city [Br.] [big city in Am.]
hist. pol. doge {m}Doge [elected lord and Chief of State in several Italian city-states, notably Venice and Genoa, during the medieval and renaissance periods]
hist. pol. gibelins {m.pl}Ghibellines [faction supporting the Holy Roman Emperor in 12C and 13C in the Italian city-states of Central and Northern Italy]
géogr. Grenade {f} [Andalousie]Granada [city and province in Andalusia]
hist. pol. guelfes {m.pl}Guelphs [faction supporting the Pope in 12C and 13C in the Italian city-states of Central and Northern Italy]
géogr. pol. Katmandou {f} [capitale du Népal]Kathmandu [also: Kathmandu Metropolitan City]
géogr. Lübeck {f}Lübeck [also: the Hanseatic City of Lübeck]
géogr. pol. Manille {f} [capitale des Philippines] [aussi : Ville de Manille]Manila [also: City of Manila]
géogr. Miami {f} [ville américaine située dans le sud-est de l'État de Floride]Miami [also: City of Miami]
géogr. Posnanie {f} [aussi : Poznań ou Posnan] [une des plus vieilles et grandes villes polonaises]Poznań [also: Capital City of Poznań]
partie {f}section [of city, park, forest, garden, community, population etc.]
géogr. pol. Séoul {f} [capitale de la Corée du Sud] [aussi : ville spéciale de Séoul]Seoul [also: Seoul Special City]
urban ligne {f} des toitsskyline [in city]
géogr. hist. Troie {f}Troy [ancient city]
géogr. Vatican {m} [État de la Cité du Vatican]Vatican <.va> [Vatican City State]
géogr. pol. Victoire {f} [capitale et la plus grande ville des Seychelles]Victoria [capital and largest city of the Republic of the Seychelles]
2 Words: Others
dr. sis à {adj} {past-p} [+ville] [littéraire]situated at [+city]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. naut. expédition {f} d'Alger [1541]Algiers expedition [1541] [Spanish attempt to take the city failed]
urban quartier {m} administratifcivic center [Am.] [part of a town, city]
adm. urban quartier {m} administratifcivic centre [Br.] [part of a town, city]
géogr. capitale {f} ducaleducal capital [capital city of a Duchy]
géogr. Hell's Kitchen {m} [quartier de Manhattan]Hell's Kitchen [neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City]
hist. mil. pol. Commune {f} de Paris [1871]Paris Commune [1871] [after the Franco-Prussion War, soldiers of the National Guard seized control of the city and attempted to establish an independent government]
libr. bibliothèque {f} municipalepublic library [of a town or city]
naut. tourisme bateau-mouche {m}tourist boat [usually on city canals, rivers]
3 Words: Verbs
mil. ruiner qc. [dévaster]to reduce sth. to rubble [city]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Salamine [480 av. J.-C.]Battle of Salamis [480 BC] [decisive victory for the Greek city-states against the Persian Empire]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Smolensk [1812]Battle of Smolensk [1812] [1st major battle of the French invasion of Russia, where the Grande Armée drove the Russian Army out of the city]
hist. mil. pol. conquête {f} de Tunis [1535]conquest of Tunis [1535] [Habsburg Emperor took the city from the Ottoman Empire]
géogr. (City of) New York {f} [ville des États-Unis] [aussi : New York City ou NYC]New York (City)
géogr. hist. république {f} de Mulhouse [aussi : ville libre de Mulhouse]Republic of Mulhouse [also: Free City of Mulhouse]
géogr. hist. pol. république {f} de Raguse [1358-1808] [aussi : république de Dubrovnik]Republic of Ragusa [1358-1808] [aristocratic maritime republic centered on the city of Dubrovnik]
géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Saint-Jean-d'Acre [1291]siege of Acre [1291] [also: fall of Acre] [capture of the city marked the end of further crusades to the Levant]
4 Words: Nouns
comm. hist. occup. prévôt {m} des marchandsprovost of the merchants [Dean of the City Guilds]
hist. mil. pol. Le traité {m} de Tournai [1385]The Peace of Tournai [1385, between the Burgundian Duke Philip II and the rebellious city of Ghent]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
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