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French-English translation for: [Computer-Algebra]
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Dictionary French English: [Computer Algebra]

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math. algèbre {f} de LindenbaumLindenbaum–Tarski algebra [also: Lindenbaum algebra]
math. algèbre {f} enveloppante d'une algèbre de Lieuniversal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra
inform. occup. développeur {m}developer [computer programmer]
inform. graphismes {m.pl}graphics {pl} [computer generated]
inform. écran {m}display [on a computer]
inform. moniteur {m} [écran]monitor [computer screen]
inform. tablette {f} électronique [can.]tablet [computer]
inform. vulnérable {adj} [système informatique]insecure [computer system]
inform. clic {m}click [of a computer mouse]
inform. télécom. reconditionné {adj} {past-p} [ordinateur, smartphone]refurbished [computer, smart phone]
inform. mettre qc. à niveau [ordinateur]to upgrade sth. [computer]
inform. Il a encore planté !It crashed yet again! [computer]
inform. allumer son ordinateurto switch on his computer [or her computer]
allumer qc.to turn sth. on [light, radio, TV, computer, heating etc.]
comm. internet télécom. télétravail {m} [de la maison]working from home [connected to one's business computer]
inform. clipboard {m} [anglicisme] [presse-papiers]clipboard [computer memory area]
inform. station {f} d'accueil [pour ordinateur portable]docking station [for laptop computer]
inform. joystick {m}joystick [computer console's control lever]
être rivé à qc. [fam.] [écran, télévision]to be glued to sth. [fig.] [e.g. computer, TV set]
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