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French-English translation for: [Control]
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Dictionary French English: [Control]

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très étroit {adj} [surveillance, contrôle]continuous {adj} [monitoring, control]
général {adj} [contrôle, impression]overall [control, impression]
craquer [fam.] [personne]
to snap [lose self-control suddenly]
prendre qc. [contrôle]to assume sth. [take over] [e.g. control]
circonscrire qc. [limiter]to contain sth. [bring sth. under control]
réfréner qc. [aussi : refréner]to contain sth. [control or restrain]
juguler qc. [inflation, épidémie]to contain sth. [control]
maîtriser qc. [émotion, passion]to contain sth. [control]
contrôler qc. [maîtriser - émotions, sentiments]to curb sth. [control]
contrôler qc. [maîtriser - émotions, sentiments]to master sth. [control]
retenue {f} [réserve, dignité]
restraint [reserve, self-control]
inform. joystick {m}joystick [computer console's control lever]
pol. autorité {f}rule [control]
nucl. tech. SCRAM {noun} [arrêt en urgence d'un réacteur nucléaire] [acronyme de safety control rod axe man, safety cut rope axe man]SCRAM [emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor] [acronym for safety control rod axe man, safety cut rope axe man]
2 Words
RadioTV zapper [fam.]to channel hop [coll.] [flick through the channels with a remote control]
lâcher les rênes [fig.]to let go [of control]
sport possession {m} du ballonball control [also: control of the ball] [team possession]
qualité tech. feuille {f} d'épreuvecheck sheet [one of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control]
hist. mil. pol. Commune {f} de Paris [1871]Paris Commune [1871] [after the Franco-Prussion War, soldiers of the National Guard seized control of the city and attempted to establish an independent government]
hist. mil. naut. expédition {f} de Penobscot [1779]Penobscot Expedition [1779] [US naval armada sent to reclaim control of mid-coast Maine from the British. Resulted in worse US naval defeat before Pearl Habor]
3 Words
adm. œnol. appellation {f} d'origine contrôlée <AOC>appellation d'origine contrôlée <AOC> [The quality-control system imposed on the production of higher quality wines]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Brouwershaven [1426]Battle of Brouwershaven [in 1426, was part of the (1345-1490) wars over control of the Low Countries and resulted in victory for the Duke of Burgundy against mainly English forces]
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de la Montagne-Blanche [1620]Battle of White Mountain [1620] [defeat of the Bohemian Revolt, ensuring Habsburg control for the next 300 years]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} d'indépendance espagnole [1808-1814]Spanish War of Independence [1808-1814] [also: Peninsular War] [military conflict fought by Spain, UK and Portugal against France for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} des Deux-RosesWar of the Roses [series of civil wars in England between 1455 and 1487, when the House of Lancaster and the House of York fought for control of the throne of England]
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