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Dictionary French English: [Du Form]

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indistinct {adj} [form]shadowy
indistinct {adj} [form]vague
boule {f}ball [round form]
difforme {adj}unshaped [imperfect in form]
former qc.to constitute sth. [form]
anat. ligne {f} [silhouette]figure [form, shape]
math. pavé {m} droitrectangular solid [form]
initiatique {adj}initiatory [adj. form of initiation]
pol. régime {m} politiquepolity [form of government]
cabaler [vieilli] [intriguer, comploter]to scheme [form intrigues]
altération {f}corruption [of data or grammatical form]
comm. forme {f} de commercecommercial form [marketable form]
épistolaire {adj}epistolary [e.g. form, correspondence, style, novel]
réticuler qc.to reticulate sth. [form into a network]
amour {m} [forme d'adresse]darling [form of address]
case {f} [sur un formulaire]box [on a form]
arts fusain {m} [crayon de fusain]charcoal [in stick form]
cuis. tablette {f} au chocolatchocolate bar [in bar form]
adm. compléter qc. [formulaire]to fill sth. in [e.g. form]
transparaître [forme, lumière, sentiment]to show through [form, light, emotions]
drog. MDMA {f} [3,4-méthylènedioxy-N-méthylamphétamine]ecstasy [coll.] [tablet form]
drog. MDMA {f} [3,4-méthylènedioxy-N-méthylamphétamine]molly [coll.] [crystal form]
vêt. pointe {f} [vêtement]headscarf [folded so as to form a triangle]
mettre qc. au pointto perfect sth. [bring to final form]
inscrire qc.to enter sth. [e.g. name on a form]
cadre {m} [dans un formulaire]space [box] [on a form to be completed]
mandat-carte {m}postal order [in the form of a post card]
méd. pharm. comprimé {m} contre la douleurpain reliever [in form of a pill]
méd. pharm. comprimé {m} contre la douleurpainkiller [coll.] [in form of a pill]
sociol. siniser qn./qc.to sinicize sb./sth. [make Chinese in character or form]
méd. pharm. comprimé {m} contre la douleurpain killer [coll.] [in form of a pill]
nasse {f} [panier conique]creel [fish trap in the form of a conical basket]
math. du second degré {adj} [forme, équation]quadratic [form, equation]
hist. outil. textile mule-jenny {f}spinning mule [early form of the spinning machine]
se craqueler [terre etc. : se fissurer]to crack [soil etc.: form fissures]
Si je peux me permettre ... [loc.] [formule polie amenant une critique]If I may ... [polite form leading to a criticism]
Si je puis me permettre ... [loc.] [formule polie amenant une critique]If I might ... [polite form leading to a criticism]
myth. incube {m}incubus [demon in male form in folklore that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women]
s'esquisser [fig.] [commencer à apparaître]to come together [coll.] [idiom] [fig.] [e.g. project: take shape, form]
myth. succube {m}succubus [demon in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men]
dr. sociol. Pacte {m} Civil de Solidarité <PaCS>civil solidarity pact [contractual form of civil union between two adults in France]
édition relig. livre {m} d'heuresBook of Hours [abbreviated form of the breviary which contained the Divine Office recited in monasteries]
hist. naut. faire passer qn. sous la quille en guise de châtimentto keelhaul sb. [form of punishment and potential execution once meted out to sailors at sea]
hist. outil. textile spinning jenny {f}spinning jenny [early form of the spinning machine]
cuis. chouchen {m}chouchen [alcoholic beverage native to Brittany. A form of mead, made from the fermentation of honey in water]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de CastilleKingdom of Castile [large and powerful state on the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. In 1479, the crowns of Aragon and Castile were united to form the nucleus of modern Spain.]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} d'AragonKingdom of Aragon [a medieval and early modern kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula. In 1479, the crowns of Aragon and Castile were united to form the nucleus of modern Spain.]
géogr. Cône {m} Sud [zone d'Amérique du Sud la plus australe du continent, au sud du tropique du Capricorne]Southern Cone
tech. étirage {m} [du verre, du métal, du fil]drawing [of glass, metal, wire]
arts hist. mouvement {m} nabi [mouvement artistique postimpressionniste d'avant-garde, de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle]Nabi movement
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