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Partial Matches |
| hist. naut. pol. traité {m} naval de Washington [1922] | Washington Naval Treaty [1922] [also: Five-Power Treaty] [agreed to prevent an arms race by limiting naval construction] | |
| judiciaire {adj} | legal [power, investigation, error] | |
| déclin {m} | decline [power, health, influence, civilization] | |
| pol. utilisation {f} | exercise [e.g. of power] | |
| avidité {f} | greed [lust for power, money] | |
| force {f} | welly [Br.] [coll.] [effort, power] | |
| reprendre qc. | to regain sth. [power, strength etc.] | |
| s'approprier qc. [pouvoir] | to seize sth. [power] | |
| électr. fil {m} | lead [wire within a power cable] | |
| électr. hydro. ind. barrage {m} hydroélectrique | hydro [short for: hydroelectric power station] | |
| électr. hydro. ind. centrale {f} hydroélectrique | hydro [short for: hydroelectric power station] | |
| renoncer à qc. | to relinquish sth. [power, claim, habit etc.] | |
| chanceler [être menacé] [pouvoir, trône] | to totter [be threatened] [power, throne] | |
| auto booster qc. [voiture] | to hop sth. up [Am.] [car: increase power] | |
| prendre qc. [direction, pouvoir] | to take sth. over [e.g. power] | |
| math. gogol {m} [dix puissance cent] | googol [ten to the power of a hundred] | |
| conféré à qn./qc. {adj} {past-p} | vested in sb./sth. [power: invested, placed] | |
| affermir qc. [consolider] [pouvoir, position] | to consolidate sth. [power, position] | |
| exercer qc. [influence, pouvoir] | to wield sth. [influence, power] | |
| math. élever qc. au cube | to cube sth. [raise to the third power] | |
| détenir qc. [record, titre, pouvoir] | to hold sth. [record, title, power] | |
| à la force des armes {adv} | by force of arms [military power] | |
| relig. mana {m} [aussi le Mana] | mana [supernatural power] | |
| optique phys. flux {m} lumineux | luminous flux [also: luminous power] | |
| pol. canard {m} boiteux [fig.] | lame duck [fig.] [Am.] [politician in office without power] | |
| ethn. mil. cipaye {m} | sepoy [native of India employed as a soldier by a European power] | |
| constr. nucl. démanteler qc. [un réacteur, une centrale nucléaire] | to decommission sth. [a reactor, a nuclear power station] | |
| ind. nucl. prolongement {m} de la durée de vie [d'une centrale nucléaire etc.] | lifetime extension [of nuclear power plant, etc.] | |
| hist. pol. coup {m} d'État de Malet [1812] | Malet coup of 1812 [attempted (and failed) coup d'état in Paris, aimed at removing Napoleon I, then campaigning in Russia, from power] | |
| hist. pol. traité {m} de Karlowitz [1699] | Treaty of Karlowitz [1699] [concluded the Great Turkish War of 1683–1697, establishing the Habsburg monarchy as the dominant power of the region] | |
| dr. [représentation d'une personne frappée d'incapacité mentale qui n'a pas donné de procuration durable] | deputyship [Br.] [representation of a mentally incapacitated person who has not authorised a lasting power of attorney] | |
| hist. mil. pol. guerres {f.pl} de Castro [1641 - 1644 ; 1646 - 1649] | Wars of Castro [1641 - 1644 ; 1646 - 1649] [power struggle between the Papacy and the Farnese dukes of Parma] | |
| cinq heures cinq | five minutes past five | |
| dr. chefs {m.pl} d'accusation | charges [e.g., on five charges] | |
| outil. textile jeu {m} d'aiguilles | [set of four or five double-pointed knitting needles] | |
| mil. généralissime {m} | generalissimo [military rank of the highest degree, superior to field marshal and other five-star ranks] | |
| cuis. umami {m} | umami [one of the five basic tastes] | |
| hist. Piste {f} des larmes | Trail of Tears [ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850 by the US government] | |
| hist. mus. neumes {f.pl} | neumes [basic elements of musical notation before the invention of five-line staff notation] | |
| hist. pol. Directoire {m} [1795-1799] | Directory [1795-1799] [also: Directorate] [governing five-member committee in the French First Republic from 1795 until 1799, when it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte] | |