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| ethn. beur {adj} | [born in France of North African immigrant parents] | |
| francilien {adj} | [of / from the Île-de-France region] | |
Nouns |
| RadioTV carré {m} blanc [jusqu'en 1964 sur les écrans de télévision en France pour indiquer qu'un film n'était pas tout public] | ['suitable for adults only' sign on French TV] | |
| pol. concert {m} de casseroles [aussi : casserolade] | [banging of pots and pans - a way of protesting which has a long tradition in France] | |
| hist. mil. compagnie {f} d'ordonnance | [first standing army of late medieval and early modern France; forefather of the modern company] | |
| jeux sport bourle {f} | [game of bowls traditionally played in Northern France] | |
| cuis. bistouille {f} [belge] [nord de France] | [hot coffee with alcoholic spirit added] | |
| écol. zones {f.pl} à défendre <ZAD> | [locations in France where protesters, 'zadistes', oppose large-scale development projects they consider harmful for the environment] | |
| ethn. beur {m} [fam.] | [person born in France of North African immigrant parents] | |
| cuis. beignets {m.pl} de pommes de terre | [potato based dish from eastern country and mountain regions of France] | |
| éduc. agrégation {f} | [teacher recruitment examination in France] | |
| caraque {m} [mérid.] [fam.] [péj.] | [term of abuse in South France for a person of no fixed abode] | |
| géogr. panne {f} | [term used in Northern France to describe a depression between two dunes] | |
| éduc. vêt. faluche {f} [coiffe] | [traditional cap worn by students in France] | |
| géogr. pol. Aisne {m} [département français appartient à la région Hauts-de-France] | Aisne | |
| géogr. île {f} d'Aix [île du Sud-Ouest de la France] | Aix [island] [Napoleon spent his last days in France here in 1815] | |
| cuis. aligot {m} | aligot [dish made from cheese blended into mashed potatoes (often with some garlic) that is made in L'Aubrac region in the southern Massif Central of France] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. Berry {m} [aussi : Berri] | Berry [former province located in central France, until departments replaced the provinces in 1790] | |
| géogr. hist. Bibracte {f} [mont Beuvray, Saône-et-Loire, France] | Bibracte | |
| biochim. biotine {f} [aussi : vitamine B8 (en France), coenzyme R ou vitamine H] | biotin [also: vitamin B7 or vitamin H] | |
| cuis. bourride {f} [spécialité culinaire traditionnelle de la cuisine de la France méridionale à base de poisson et fruits de mer] | Bourride | |
| bot. cuis. chicon {m} [belge, Nord de la France] | chicory [endive] | |
| hist. Dauphin {m} [fils aîné du roi de France] | Dauphin [heir to French throne] | |
| géogr. hist. Dauphiné {m} [aussi : Dauphiné de Viennois] | Dauphiné [also: Dauphiny or Dauphiné of Viennois ] [a former province in southeastern France] | |
| géogr. pol. Essonne {f} [département français situé dans la région Île-de-France] | Essonne | |
| ducasse {f} [belge] [dans le nord de la France] | funfair | |
| géogr. Outre-Rhin {m} [Allemagne] | Germany [as viewed from France: over the Rhine] | |
| géogr. pol. Gironde {f} [département français situé dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, en région Nouvelle-Aquitaine] | Gironde | |
| géogr. Guadeloupe {f} [un archipel des Caraïbes, formant une région et un département d'outre-mer français] | Guadeloupe <.gp> [an archipelago and overseas department and region of France in the Caribbean] | |
| géogr. Marseille {f} [commune du Sud-Est de la France] | Marseilles [also: Marseille] | |
| géogr. Martinique {f} [une île française située dans les Caraïbes et département et région d'outre-mer] | Martinique <.mq> [an island and an overseas department/region and single territorial collectivity of France] | |
| hist. Neustrie {f} [Royaume de Syagrius] | Neustria [Kingdom in north west of today's France] | |
| géogr. pol. Nord {m} [département français situé dans la région Hauts-de-France] | Nord | |
| géogr. pol. Oise {f} [département français de la région Hauts-de-France] | Oise | |
| géogr. pol. Paris {m} [capitale de la France et chef-lieu de la région Île-de-France] | Paris | |
| carte-vue {f} [belge] [désuet en France] | postcard | |
| éduc. collège {m} | school [in France: secondary school to age 15] | |
| textile scoubidou {m} | scoubidou [material used in knotting craft, which originated in France] | |
| géogr. pol. Somme {f} [département français situé dans la région Hauts-de-France] | Somme | |
| trouvère {m} [troubadour] | troubadour [wandering medieval poet in northern France] | |
| géogr. Valence {f} [en France] | Valence | |
| géogr. massif {m} des Vosges [aussi : Vosges] | Vosges [range of low mountains in Eastern France] | |
| géogr. pol. Yvelines {f.pl} [département français de la région Île-de-France] | Yvelines | |
| archéo. hist. mil. butte {f} de Zuran | Žuráň [ancient burial tumulus, site of Napoleon's command HQ for the Battle of Austerlitz (since 2005, extraterritoriality of France)] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| PoSauv. borne {f} d'incendie [France] | (fire) hydrant | |
| PoSauv. bouche {f} d'incendie [France] | (fire) hydrant | |
| crayon {m} de bois [dans le nord et l'ouest de la France] | (lead) pencil | |
| éduc. occup. attachée {f} temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche <ATER> | adjunct professor [female] [in France] | |
| éduc. occup. attaché {m} temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche <ATER> | adjunct professor [in France] | |
| hist. pol. Ancien Régime {m} [en France] | Ancien Régime | |