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French-English translation for: [Francis]
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Dictionary French English: [Francis]

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

hist. pol. François {m} II [1768-1835] [empereur des Romains 1792-1806, François I d'Autriche 1804-1835 ]Francis II [1768-1835] [the last Holy Roman Emperor 1792-1806 and, as Francis I, the first Emperor of Austria 1804-1835]
3 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marignan [1515]Battle of Marignano [1515] [Francis I, King of France defeated the Old Swiss Confederacy ending the War of the League of Cambrai]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Pavie [1525]Battle of Pavia [1525] [Habsburg victory and capture of Francis I of France]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Presbourg [1805]Peace of Pressburg [1805] [also: Treaty of Pressburg] [signed by Napoleon (France) and Francis II (Austria) after Austrian defeats at Ulm & Austerlitz]
hist. pol. paix {f} des Dames [1529] [aussi : paix de Cambrai]Treaty of Cambrai [also: Ladies' Peace] [negotiated by Louise of Savoy (for King Francis) and Margaret of Austria (for Emperor Charles). Renewed 1526 Treaty of Madrid, removing Burgundy transfer]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Lunéville [1801]Treaty of Lunéville [signed in 1801 by the French Republic and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, following the Battle of Marengo]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Madrid [1526]Treaty of Madrid [signed in 1526 by King Francis I of France and Charles, Holy Roman Emperor. Francis renounced all his claims in Italy, Flanders, and Artois, and surrendered Burgundy to Charles]
4 Words
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} du Solent [1545] [aussi : bataille du Portsmouth]Battle of the Solent [1545] [inconclusive engagement (during the Italian Wars) between the fleets of Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film littérat. F Le ParrainThe Godfather [author: Mario Puzo (1969)] [film: Francis Ford Coppola (1972)]
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