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Dictionary French English: [G]

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vers {adv} [temps p.e. 4 heures]
approximately [time e.g. 4 o'clock]
bancal {adj} [fig.] [qui n'est pas établi sur des bases solides]
shaky [fig.] [e.g. argument]
bot. aérohalin {adj}aerohaline [exposed to sea-spray; e.g. plants on coastal rocks]
en marge de qc. {adv}alongside sth. [e.g. a meeting parallel to and alongside another meeting]
anat. bot. axillaire {adj}axillary [e.g. artery, hair, bud]
fin. bancaire {adj}bank [attr.] [e.g. account, card, clerk, connection, customer]
fin. bancaire {adj}banking [attr.] [e.g. establishment, house, information, secrecy, sector]
sans pointe {adj}blunt [e.g. knife, pencil]
en bronze {adj} [p.e. une statue]bronze [e.g. a statue]
anat. méd. carpien {adj}carpal [attr.] [e.g. bone, fracture, injury]
mouvant {adj} [qui évolue]changing [e.g. situation, opinion]
relig. baptismal {adj}christening [attr.] [e.g. ceremony, gift, mug, robe]
serrant {adj} {pres-p}clasping [e.g. hands]
distant {adj} [rapports, relations]cool [e.g. relationship]
cosm. méd. de ouate {adj}cotton [attr.] [e.g. ball or swab, bud or stick, pad, pliers]
lacté {adj}dairy [attr.] [e.g. cattle, farmer, product, van]
lactique {adj}dairy [attr.] [e.g. cattle, farmer, product, van]
sensible {adj}delicate [sensitive, subtle, e.g. comment, criticism]
lourdaud {adj} [esprit]dull [e.g. spirit]
épistolaire {adj}epistolary [e.g. form, correspondence, style, novel]
vacillant {adj} {pres-p} [santé, mémoire, raison]failing [e.g. health]
ichtyo. halieutique {adj}fishing [attr.] [e.g. agreement, association, ban, harbour, indutry, vessel]
sylv. sylvestre {adj}forest [attr.] [e.g. animal, area, belt, consumtion, damage]
officiel {adj} [réglementaire]formal [official, e.g. invitation, dinner]
ex- [ancien]former [attr.] [e.g. former boyfriend]
défunt {adj} [empire, grandeur]former [e.g. grandeur]
à part entière {adj} [membre, citoyen]full [e.g. members]
méd. goutteux {adj}gouty [e.g. gouty toe]
chaud {adj} [réunion, discussion]heated [e.g. discussion]
busqué {adj} {past-p} [p. ex. nez ]hooked [e.g. nose]
inaugural {adj}inaugural [e.g. exhibition, game or match, ceremony, address]
ambulant {adj} {pres-p}itinerant [attr.] [e.g. labourer, monasticism, monk, preacher, trade]
textile en tricot {adj}knitting [attr.] [e.g. machine, needle]
bot. foliaire {adj}leaf [attr.] [e.g. blade, bud, damage]
épistolaire {adj}letter [attr.] [e.g. opener, slot, writer, carrier]
meuble {adj}loose [e.g. earth]
défunt {adj} [jeunesse, bonheur]lost [e.g. youth]
anat. zool. lacté {adj}mammary [e.g. duct, gland, ridge]
anat. méd. lactique {adj}mammary [e.g. duct, gland, ridge]
ind. industriel {adj}mass [e.g. production]
lacté {adj}milk [attr.] [e.g. bottle, bar, chocolate, allergy, teeth]
lactique {adj}milk [attr.] [e.g. bottle, bar, chocolate, allergy, teeth]
tournant {adj} [service, bibliothèque]mobile [e.g. library]
meuble {adj}movable [e.g. asset]
désordonné {adj} {past-p}muddled [e.g. thoughts]
tendre {adj} [pousse, herbe, bourgeon]new [e.g. shoots]
voisin {adj} [d'à côté]next [e.g. table]
carré {adj} [refus]outright [e.g. refusal]
fin. impayé {adj} [facture, dettes, etc.]outstanding [e.g. debt]
parcellaire {adj}patchy [e.g. knowledge]
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