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French-English translation for: [Habsburg]
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Dictionary French English: [Habsburg]

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

hist. monarchie {f} des Habsbourg [aussi : empire des Habsbourg]Habsburg Monarchy [also: Danubian Monarchy or Habsburg Empire]
arch. hist. pol. château {m} de SchönbrunnSchönbrunn Palace [main summer residence of the Habsburg rulers, located in Hietzing, Vienna]
3 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Alcántara [1580]Battle of Alcântara [1580] [Habsburg victory in war of Portuguese succession]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Göllheim [1298]Battle of Göllheim [1298] [victory confirming Albert I of Habsburg as King of the Holy Roman Empire]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Morgarten [1315]Battle of Morgarten [in 1315, the Confederates of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden defeated a Habsburg army, laying foundation for future independence of the Swiss Confederacy]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Pavie [1525]Battle of Pavia [1525] [Habsburg victory and capture of Francis I of France]
hist. mil. pol. conquête {f} de Tunis [1535]conquest of Tunis [1535] [Habsburg Emperor took the city from the Ottoman Empire]
géogr. hist. pol. duché {m} de Carniole [1363-1918]Duchy of Carniola [1363-1918] [an imperial estate of the Holy Roman Empire, later a hereditary land of the Habsburg Monarchy]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Quatre-Vingts Ans [1568-1648] [aussi : révolte des Pays-Bas]Eighty Years' War [1568-1648] [also: Dutch Revolt] [armed conflict in the Habsburg Netherlands between groups of rebels and the Spanish government]
hist. mil. pol. Longue Guerre {f} [1593 - 1606] [aussi : guerre de Treize Ans]Long Turkish War [1593 - 1606] [indecisive war between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire] [also: Long War or Thirteen Years' War]
hist. Marie {f} de Bourgogne [1457-1482]Mary of Burgundy [1457-1482] [Duchess of Burgundy 1477 until death. She married Maximilian of Habsburg, a turning point in European politics]
hist. pol. paix {f} de Zsitvatorok [1606]Peace of Zsitvatorok [1606] [ending the Long Turkish War between the Habsburg Emperor and the Ottoman Empire] [also: Treaty of Sitvatorok]
hist. Philippe {m} le Beau [1478-1506] [Philippe de Habsbourg]Philip the Handsome [1478-1506] [ruler of the Burgundian Netherlands and titular Duke of Burgundy from 1482 to 1506 and the first Habsburg King of Castile (as Philip I)]
hist. mil. pol. sac {m} de Rome [1527]Sack of Rome [1527] [by unpaid troops of Habsburg army]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Florence [1529 - 1530]siege of Florence [1529 - 1530] [victory of Habsburg forces]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Vienne [1529]siege of Vienna [1529] [Habsburg victory]
hist. pol. paix {f} d'Andrinople [1568]Treaty of Adrianople [1568] [peace treaty ending the Ottoman-Habsburg War] [also: Treaty of Edirne of 1568]
hist. pol. traité {m} d'Arras [1482]Treaty of Arras [signed in 1482 by King Louis XI of France and Archduke Maximilian I of Habsburg, who agreed to marry his daughter, Archduchess Margaret of Austria, to the Dauphin of France]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Karlowitz [1699]Treaty of Karlowitz [1699] [concluded the Great Turkish War of 1683–1697, establishing the Habsburg monarchy as the dominant power of the region]
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de la Montagne-Blanche [1620]Battle of White Mountain [1620] [defeat of the Bohemian Revolt, ensuring Habsburg control for the next 300 years]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Marchfeld [1278]Battle on the Marchfeld [1278] [decisive event for the history of Central Europe for the following centuries when the German king Rudolph I of Habsburg defeated king Ottokar II of Bohemia]
5+ Words
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la Première Coalition [1792-1797]War of the First Coalition [1792-1797] [conflicts between France and several European powers (Britain, Holy Roman Empire, Habsburg Monarchy, Spain, Naples, Sardinia, etc)]
hist. mil. pol. septième guerre {f} d'Italie [1527 - 1530] [aussi : guerre de la Ligue de Cognac]War of the League of Cognac [1527 - 1530] [failing attempt by League of Cognac to drive the House of Habsburg from the Italian peninsula]
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