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Dictionary French English: [In]

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depuis {prep}
for [period of time in the past]
tardif {adj}
late [in time]
supérieur {adj} [plus haut dans l'espace]
upper [in position]
coincé {adj} {past-p} [dans, entre]
wedged [in, between]
éduc. Plus est en vous.[A motto used by a number of colleges, including Gordonstoun School (Scotland), roughly translated as 'There is more in you'.]
ethn. beur {adj}[born in France of North African immigrant parents]
cuis. en papillote {adj}[cooked wrapped in greaseproof paper or foil]
yonnais {adj}[from the Roche-sur-Yon region, in Vendée]
trappiste {adj} [relatif à la ville de Trappes][of / from / in the town of Trappes]
plus que {prep}above [in preference to]
horizontalement {adv} [mots croisés]across [in crosswords]
d'active {adj}actual [in use at the time]
avancé {adj} {past-p}advanced [in skills / time]
en comparaison de {prep}against [in comparison to]
de la même façon {adv} [ou manière]alike [in the same way]
tous {pron}any [in whatever number, all]
tout {adj}any [in whatever quantity, all of it]
quelque part {adv} [dans une question, dans une clause conditionnelle]anywhere [in questions, conditional sentences]
en pièces {adv}apart [in pieces]
aux alentours de {prep}around [in the area of]
malicieusement {adv}artfully [in a cunning way]
cuis. au four {adj}baked [cooked in the oven]
naut. en bas {adv}below [in a boat]
en dessous {adv}below [in lower place, on lower level]
plus bas {adv}below [in lower place, on lower level]
dans ce qui suit {adv}below [in the following]
en surcroît {adv}besides [in addition, also]
en bref {adv}briefly [in few words, not in detail]
fichu {adj} {past-p} [fam.] [détruit]broken [in pieces; not functioning]
foutu {adj} {past-p} [fam.]broken [in pieces; not functioning]
alim. calorique {adj}caloric [high in calories]
cuis. Cul sec !Chug! [to empty the glass in one go]
vêtu {adj} {past-p} [de]clothed [in]
paradoxalement {adv}contrarily [in a contrary or opposite way]
d'égale importance {adj}coordinate [equal in rank or importance] [also: co-ordinate]
[activité homosexuelle entre hommes dans des toilettes publiques]cottaging [Br.] [sl.] [gay sex in public toilets]
grincheux {adj}cranky [Am.] [coll.] [in a bad mood]
vulgaire {adj} [opinion]current [common, in general use]
in extremis {adj} [mariage (avant la mort)] [aussi : in extrémis]deathbed
approfondi {adj}detailed [in-depth]
écon. pol. dirigiste {adj}dirigist [in favour of a planned economy]
éloigné dans le temps {adj}distant [in time]
domestique {adj} [de la maison]domestic [of, in the home]
à la maison {adv}domestically [in the home]
en deux {adv}double [in two]
au rez-de-chaussée {adv}downstairs [in a house]
vêtu {adj} {past-p} [de]dressed [in]
d'un ton sec {adv} [loc.]drily [fig.] [in a deadpan way]
d'un air pince-sans-rire {adv} [loc.]drily [fig.] [in a deadpan way]
sèchement {adv}drily [fig.] [in an unimaginative way]
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