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Partial Matches |
 | cuis. sharbat {m} [boisson du Moyen-Orient] | sherbet [Middle Eastern cold drink] |  |
 | nègre {m} [raciste] | wog [Br.] [sl.] [offensive] [South Asian, Middle-Eastern man] |  |
 | bible ethn. hist. Philistins {m.pl} | Philistines [ancient Near Eastern people] |  |
 | hist. Austrasie {f} | Austrasia [Eastern Kingdom of the Rhineland Franks] |  |
 | géogr. Niémen {m} | Nemunas [major Eastern European river] [also: Nioman, Neman or Memel] |  |
 | cuis. tire {f} d'érable | maple taffy [speciality of Eastern Canada and Northern New England] |  |
 | cuis. tire {f} sur la neige | maple taffy [speciality of Eastern Canada and Northern New England] |  |
 | cuis. beignets {m.pl} de pommes de terre | [potato based dish from eastern country and mountain regions of France] |  |
 | géogr. massif {m} des Vosges [aussi : Vosges] | Vosges [range of low mountains in Eastern France] |  |
 | ethn. géogr. Les Gullah {m.pl} | The Gullah {pl} [African American ethnic group who predominantly live in the south-eastern Lowcountry region of the U.S.] |  |
 | géogr. Allemagne {f} centrale [Saxe, Thuringe et Saxe-Anhalt] | Middle Germany [Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia seen as a cultural region in today's south-eastern Germany] |  |
 | géogr. Kalmoukie {f} [aussi : république de Kalmoukie] | Kalmykia [also: Republic of Kalmykia] [republic of Russia located directly north of the North Caucasus in Eastern Europe] |  |
 | hist. relig. Séparation {f} des Églises d'Orient et d'Occident | East–West Schism [split of Christianity between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, beginning in 1054] |  |
 | hist. Empire {m} byzantin [330 - 1453] [aussi : Empire romain d'Orient] | Byzantine Empire [330 - 1453] [also: Eastern Roman Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Andrinople [378] [aussi : bataille d'Adrianople ; aujourd'hui Edirne en Turquie européenne] | Battle of Adrianople [378] [also: Battle of Hadrianopolis] [overwhelming victory of the Goths over the Eastern Roman Empire] |  |
 | hist. occup. vêt. chaussetier {m} [vieux] | hosier [dated] [Middle Ages] |  |
 | hist. occup. vêt. chaussetière {f} [vieux] | hosier [female] [dated] [Middle Ages] |  |
 | hist. vilain {m} | villein [feudal tenant in Middle Ages] |  |
 | anat. médius {m} [Digitus medius] | long finger [middle finger] |  |
 | adm. hist. centaine {f} | [an administrative region in the Middle Ages] |  |
 | hist. vilaine {f} | villein [feudal tenant in Middle Ages] [female] |  |
 | armes hist. bombarde {f} | bombard [Middle Age cannon firing a stone ball] |  |
 | coin {m} paumé | bumfuck nowhere [vulg.] [sl.] [the middle of nowhere] |  |
 | arch. hist. sci. castellologie {f} | castellology [study of castle building, especially in the Middle Ages] |  |
 | hist. pol. Joyeuse Entrée {f} | Joyous Entry [in Middle Ages, ceremonial first visit of a prince to his country,] |  |
 | hist. occup. jongleur {m} | jongleur [dated] [Middle Ages] |  |
 | hist. mil. vêt. aiguillette {f} [vêtement] | aiguillette [functional or purely decorative fastener of silk cord with metal tips especially in the late Middle Ages] |  |
 | géogr. hist. Kennemerland {m} | Kennemerland [coastal region in the northwestern Netherlands, its name comes from the Kennemer people, who were Frisians that fought with the Counts of Holland and lost in the Middle Ages] |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de Castille | Kingdom of Castile [large and powerful state on the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. In 1479, the crowns of Aragon and Castile were united to form the nucleus of modern Spain.] |  |