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French-English translation for: [Naval]
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Dictionary French English: [Naval]

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

visiter qc. [inspecter]to inspect sth. [e.g. naval base]
mil. naut. escadre {f}squadron [naval]
2 Words
hist. minér. naut. dépôt {m} de charboncoaling station [for naval ships]
hist. mil. naut. expédition {f} de Penobscot [1779]Penobscot Expedition [1779] [US naval armada sent to reclaim control of mid-coast Maine from the British. Resulted in worse US naval defeat before Pearl Habor]
3 Words
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Djerba [1560]Battle of Djerba [1560] [naval victory of Ottomans against Christian Alliance fleet]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Préveza [1538]Battle of Preveza [1538] [naval victory of Ottomans against Christian Alliance fleet]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Sinope [1853]Battle of Sinope [1853] [ naval battle won decisively by Imperial Russia against the Ottoman Empire, during the opening phase of the Crimean War]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Trafalgar [1805]Battle of Trafalgar [1805] [British naval fleet commanded by Nelson completely destroyed the numerically superior French/Spanish fleet, confirming British naval supremacy]
hist. naut. pol. traité {m} naval de Washington [1922]Washington Naval Treaty [1922] [also: Five-Power Treaty] [agreed to prevent an arms race by limiting naval construction]
4 Words
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} d'Aboukir [1798]Battle of the Nile [1798] [also: Battle of Aboukir Bay] [decisive naval battle - after Napoleon landed his army, Nelson destroyed the French fleet, trapping the French army in Egypt]
hist. mil. naut. première bataille {f} d'Ouessant [1778]First Battle of Ushant [1778] [indecisive naval battle in Anglo-French War of 1778]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} du 13 prairial an II [1794] [aussi : combat de Prairial ou troisième bataille d'Ouessant ]Glorious First of June [1794] [also: Fourth Battle of Ushant] [largest, but indecisive, naval action during French Revolutionary Wars]
5+ Words
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de l'île d'Aix [1809] [aussi : affaire des brûlots]Battle of the Basque Roads [1809] [also: Battle of Aix Roads] [major naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars, leaving many French ships badly damaged or trapped in home ports]
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