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Dictionary French English: [OR 6]

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unit [6,35 kilo (kg)] {noun}stone <st> [Br.] [also pl.]
chim. acide {m} tellurique [H6TeO6, Te(OH)6]telluric acid
unit toise {f} [unité de longueur ancienne]toise [approx. 6 1/2 feet]
unit méga- {prefix} <M> [10 ^ 6]mega- <M>
unit micro- {prefix} <µ> [10 ^ -6]micro- <µ>
hist. philos. relig. apollinien {adj}Apollonian [of or relating to Apollo or his cult]
vous {pron}ye [archaic or regional] [subject or object]
cosm. méd. de ouate {adj}cotton [attr.] [e.g. ball or swab, bud or stick, pad, pliers]
anat. méd. hexadactylie {f}hexadactylism [the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet]
anat. méd. hexadactylie {f}hexadactyly [the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet]
anat. méd. hexadactylie {f}sexdactyly [hexadactyly] [the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet]
agr. zool. bête {f} à l'engraisstore [sheep, steer, cow, or pig acquired or kept for fattening]
cuis. mignardises {f.pl} [pâtisserie]petit four [small sweet biscuit or cake, served after dinner or with coffee]
cuis. mignardise {f} [souvent : mignardises]petit four [small sweet biscuit or cake, served after dinner or with coffee]
lèse-majesté {f}[offense against a sovereign; or, more generally, any slight or insult that wounds someone's dignity.]
arch. arts relig. retable {m}altarpiece [structure placed on or immediately behind and above the altar or communion table of a church]
arch. arts relig. retable {m}reredos [structure placed on or immediately behind and above the altar or communion table of a church]
agrémenter qc. [fig.] [parole]to interlard sth. [fig.] [intersperse or embellish a speech or writing]
fin. cours {m} de compensationdaily settlement price [marked-up or marked down according to gains or losses]
pierre {f} de touche [fig.]touchstone [fig.] [standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognised/recognized]
arch. arts relig. retable {m}retable [structure placed on or immediately behind and above the altar or communion table of a church]
écon. débâcle {f} [ruine]crash [sudden failure or value loss of a market or a business, e.g. a bank]
géogr. géol. Avatchinski {m} [volcan de Russie] [aussi : Avatcha, Gorelaïa sopka, Monastyr, Saria ou Souatchou]Avachinsky [also: Avacha or Avacha Volcano or Avachinskaya Sopka]
alim. cuis. mistelle {f}mistelle [made by adding alcohol to non-fermented or partially fermented grape juice or apple juice]
hist. pol. Pierre {m} I [1672-1725] [aussi : Pierre le Grand or Piotr Alekseïevitch Romanov] [Tsar puis 1er empereur de Russie]Peter the Great [1672-1725] [also: Peter I or Pyotr Alekséyevich Romanov]
visiter (qn./qc.)to visit (sb./sth.) [when a person, a visit to a sick person or prisoner by a doctor or priest, not a social visit]
hist. pol. Frédéric {m} II de Prusse [1712-1786] [aussi : Frédéric le Grand or le vieux Fritz]Frederick II [1712-1786] [also: Frederick the Great or The Old Fritz] [King of Prussia from 1740 until his death in 1786]
hist. pol. Bulle {f} d'or (de 1356) [aussi : bulle d'or de Nuremberg ou bulle d'or de Metz]Golden Bull of 1356 [a decree which fixed, for a period of more than four hundred years, important aspects of the constitutional structure of the Holy Roman Empire]
crépusculaire {adj}crepuscular [literary or formal]
continuellement {adv}persistently [continually or repeatedly]
Bah !Tush! [archaic or hum.]
{adv}whither [archaic or literary]
te {pron}ye [archaic or regional]
tu {pron}ye [archaic or regional]
géogr. pol. État {m}country [state or nation]
habitant {m}denizen [formal or hum.]
atténuation {f}extenuation [excuse or justification]
arts littérat. mus. maniérisme {m}mannerism [affectation or idiosyncrasy]
onanisme {m}onanism [literary or formal]
onaniste {m}onanist [literary or formal]
sport boxe {f}pugilism [dated or hum.]
zool. cuniculture {f}rabbitry [place or enterprise]
coutume {f}wont [formal or humorous]
habitude {f}wont [formal or humorous]
colère {f}wrath [literary or hum.]
courroux {m}wrath [literary or hum.]
Soyez ...Be ... [French formal or plural]
studieux {adj}bookish [enjoys studying or reading]
abscons {adj}cryptic [using cipher or code]
doré {adj} {past-p} [recouvert d'or fin]gilded
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