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French-English translation for: [SL]
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Dictionary French English: [SL]

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douteux {adj}
sketchy [Am.] [sl.] [questionable]
Ça va ? [loc.](')Sup? [sl.] [idiom] [What's up?]
burné {adj} [vulg.]ballsy [sl.]
homo {adj} [fam.]bent [Br.] [sl.] [homosexual]
dérisoire {adj}cockamamie [Am.] [sl.]
[activité homosexuelle entre hommes dans des toilettes publiques]cottaging [Br.] [sl.] [gay sex in public toilets]
emmerdant {adj} [fam.]crappy [sl.]
Putain de ... [+nom] [fam.] [vulg.]Crappy ... [coll.] [sl.]
satané {adj}doggone [Am.] [sl.] [damned]
empoté {adj} [fam.]dozy [Am.] [sl.] [fig.] [unintelligent]
inutile {adj}duff [Br.] [sl.] [useless, worthless]
gay {adj}fruity [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [homosexual]
énormissime {adj} [fam.]ginormous [sl.] [gigantic, enormous]
foutu {adj} [fam.]goddamn [sl.]
foutu {adj} [fam.]goddamned [sl.]
Mince alors ! [fam.]Golly! [sl.] [dated]
abominable {adj}grody [Am.] [sl.]
super {adj}groovy [sl.] [dated] [great]
stylé {adj}groovy [sl.] [dated] [stylish]
dr. en taule {adv} [fam.]inside [sl.] [jail, prison]
verni {adj} [fam.] [chanceux]jammy [Br.] [sl.] [lucky]
crevant {adj} [fam.]knackering [Br.] [sl.]
agressif {adj}lairy [Br.] [sl.] [aggressive]
turbulent {adj} [foule etc.]lairy [Br.] [sl.] [mob: rowdy]
repoussant {adj}minging [Br.] [sl.]
extrêmement {adv}mondo [Am.] [sl.]
très grand {adj}mondo [Am.] [sl.]
nul {adj}pants [Br.] [sl.] [bad, trashy]
soûl {adj} [fam.] [ivre]pissed [Br.] [sl.] [drunk]
bourré {adj} [fam.] [ivre]polluted [sl.] [drunk]
angliche {adj} [fam.]pom [Aus.] [sl.] [English]
angliche {adj} [fam.]pommie [Aus.] [sl.] [English]
angliche {adj} [fam.]pommy [Aus.] [sl.] [English]
fin. rique-raque {adj} [fam.]povo [Aus.] [sl.] [broke]
[joueur non inscrit dans un compétition]ringer [sl.] [unregistered player impersonating another in a competition]
Putain de ... [+nom] [fam.] [vulg.]Shite ... [vulg.] [sl.] [Br.] [Irish]
ringard {adj} [fam.] [banal]square [fig.] [sl.] [conventional]
drog. défoncé {adj} {past-p} [fam.]stoned [sl.] [on drugs]
emmerdant {adj} [fam.]sucky [Am.] [sl.]
animéswinging [sl.] [party: lively]
désinhibé {adj}swinging [sl.] [uninhibited sexually]
rond {adj} [fam.] [ivre]tight [sl.] [dated] [drunk]
tu esur [sl.] [you're]
emmerdant {adj} {adv} [fam.]wack [Am.] [sl.]
emmerdant {adj} [fam.]wanky [Br.] [sl.]
patraque {adj} [fam.]wasted [esp. Am.] [sl.]
gerber [fam.] [vomir]to barf [Am.] [sl.]
se cavaler [fam.] [s'enfuir]to bunk [Br.] [sl.] [to flee]
se faire la malle [fam.] [loc.]to bunk [Br.] [sl.] [to flee]
armes flinguer qn. [fam.] [avec une arme à feu]to cap sb. [Am.] [sl.] [shoot with a firearm]
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