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Dictionary French English: [Show Me]

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géogr. pol. Missouri {m} [État du Midwest des États-Unis]Missouri <MO> [Show-Me State]
remontant {m}tonic [pick-me-up]
méd. pharm. fortifiant {m}restorative [tonic, pick-me-up]
Bas les pattes ! [Ne me touchez pas !]Keep your hands to yourself!
film F Les Pièges de la passionLove Me or Leave Me [Charles Vidor]
jeux effeuiller la marguerite [jeu amoureux]He loves me, he loves me not. [daisy oracle]
jeux effeuiller la marguerite [jeu amoureux]She loves me, she loves me not. [daisy oracle]
Ce n'était pas moi, vous devez confondre.It wasn't me, you must be confusing me with somebody else.
Il m'aimeil ne m'aime pas. [effeuiller la marguerite]He loves mehe loves me not. [spoken while picking one petal off a flower (usually an ox-eye daisy) for each phrase]
démontrer qc.to demonstrate sth. [show]
film RadioTV théâtre banal {adj}feeble [film, TV show etc.]
délirant {adj}wacky [coll.] [movie, show, humour]
établir une discriminationto discriminate [show prejudice]
arts RadioTV théâtre spectacle {m}production [show, work of art]
s'exhiberto expose oneself [show genitals]
mus. théâtre quitter l'afficheto fold [fig.] [show etc.]
guignol {m}puppet show [similar to Punch & Judy show]
poser qn. un lapin [loc.]to stand sb. up [not show up for a date]
point {m} culminant [match, spectacle, événement]highlight [of match, show, event]
mus. RadioTV théâtre programmation {f} [musique, spectacle, émission]lineup [also: line-up] [music, acts billed for a show, schedule of events]
faire voir qc. sous son vrai jour [loc.]to put sth. in perspective [show in its true light]
se montrer peu enthousiaste pour qc.to pour cold water on sth. [idiom] [show little enthusiasm]
occup. aboyeur {m} [fam.] [personne]barker [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
occup. aboyeuse {f} [fam.] [personne]barker [female] [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
mus. théâtre revue {f}revue [show]
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