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French-English translation for: [Stone]
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Dictionary French English: [Stone]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

chatoyant {adj} [pierre, bijou, etc.]sparkling [stone, jewel etc.]
alim. cuis. dénoyauté {adj} {past-p}stoned [fruit with stone removed]
géol. cliver qc. [pierre]to cleave sth. [rock, stone]
arch. arts façonner qc. [pierre]to dress sth. [stone]
polir qc. [bois, pierre]to polish sth. [wood, stone]
sertir qc. [pierre précieuse]to set sth. [a precious stone]
caillou {m}
stone [little stone, pebble]
armes hist. mil. baliste {f}ballista [stone thrower]
armes hist. bombarde {f}bombard [Middle Age cannon firing a stone ball]
camaïeu {m} [pierre fine]cameo [fine stone]
bloc {m}chunk [of stone]
arch. hist. nuraghe {m} [tour ronde en forme de cône tronqué, monument éponyme de la culture nuragique en Sardaigne]nuraghe [large tower-shaped stone structure found in Sardinia]
pierre {f}rock [Am.] [stone]
arch. arts stèle {f}stele [engraved stone]
tombe {f}tomb [stone memorial]
matériel pierre {f} de touchetouchstone [stone used for testing alloys of gold]
touchau {m}touchstone [stone]
minér. turquoise {f}turquoise [stone]
2 Words
méd. calcul {m} rénalrenal calculus [kidney stone]
math. compactification {f} de Stone-ČechStone–Čech compactification [also: Čech–Stone compactification]
3 Words
jeux jeu {m} du ricochet [faire rebondir un galet]ducks and drakes [treated as sg.] [Br.] [stone skipping]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F un 4 juilletBorn on the Fourth of July [Oliver Stone (1989)]
film F Le Diabolique M. BentonJulie [Andrew L. Stone (1956 film)]
film F Wall StreetWall Street [Oliver Stone (1987)]
film F Wall Street : L'argent ne dort jamaisWall Street: Money Never Sleeps [Oliver Stone (2010)]
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