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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: [Western]
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Dictionary French English: [Western]

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

géogr. Daugava {f} [aussi : Dvina occidentale]Daugava [also: Western Dvina] [river which flows from Russia, through Belarus and Latvia]
géogr. hist. Galicie {f}Galicia [once a crown land of Austria-Hungary, the nucleus of historic Galicia lies within the modern regions of western Ukraine]
zool. T
géogr. pol. l'Ouest {m}the West [First World countries; western USA]
2 Words
géogr. îles {f.pl} Sous-le-VentLeeward Islands [a group of islands situated where the northeastern Caribbean Sea meets the western Atlantic Ocean]
géogr. îles {f.pl} LucayeLucayan Archipelago [also: Bahama Archipelago] [an island group in the western North Atlantic Ocean comprising the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands]
géogr. Hébrides {f.pl} extérieures [groupe d'îles écossaises]Outer Hebrides [also: Western Isles]
géogr. Niémen {m} [fleuve]River Neman [also: Nemunas, Nioman, or Memel] [river that rises in central Belarus and flows through Lithuania then along the northern border of Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia's western exclave]
3 Words
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de NavarreKingdom of Navarre [Basque kingdom that occupied lands on either side of the western Pyrenees, alongside the Atlantic Ocean between present-day Spain and France between 824 and 1620]
5+ Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} des champs Catalauniques [451] [aussi: bataille de Campus Mauriacus]Battle of the Catalaunian Plains [451] [Western Roman Empire defeated the Hunnic Empire] [also: Battle of the Campus Mauriacus]
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