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French-English translation for: [army]
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Dictionary French English: [army]

Translation 1 - 50 of 80  >>

vaincre qn./qc. [joueur, ennemi, peur, fanatisme, etc.]
to defeat sb./sth. [player, team, army, fanaticism, etc.]
mil. entrer à qc. [armée]to join sth. [army]
entretenir qn./qc. [maîtresse, armée]to keep sb./sth. [mistress, army]
hist. mil. compagnie {f} d'ordonnance[first standing army of late medieval and early modern France; forefather of the modern company]
mil. ordonnance {f}batman [servant to an army officer]
hist. mil. mus. buccin {m} [trompette]buccina [also: bucina, buccin or bucine] [brass instrument used in Roman Army]
hist. mil. centurie {f}century [unit of the Roman army]
cuis. mil. rata {m} [fam.] [vieilli] [mauvais ragoût]grub [coll.] [army food]
hist. mil. harki {m}Harki [generic term for native Muslim Algerians who served as auxiliaries in the French Army during the Algerian War of Independence from 1954 to 1962]
mil. incorporation {f} [dans l'armée]induction [into the army]
mil. occup. munitionnaire {m}purveyor [of munitions and supplies to the army]
fin. mil. solde {f}salary [esp. in civil service, army]
comm. mil. occup. vivandier {m}sutler [civilian merchant who sells provisions to an army]
comm. mil. occup. vivandière {f}sutler [female] [civilian merchant who sells provisions to an army]
2 Words: Verbs
renforcer qc.to beef sth. up [army, campaign]
mil. replier qc. [armée]to pull sth. back [e.g. army]
mil. exterminer qc. [armée, rebelles]to wipe sth. out [army, rebels]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Abrittus [251] [aussi : bataille du forum Terebronii]Battle of Abritus [251] [also: Battle of Forum Terebronii] [heavy defeat of Roman army by federation of Goths and Scyths]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du pont d'Arcole [1796]Battle of Arcole [1796] [French army victory over Austrian army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Auerstaedt [1806]Battle of Auerstedt [1806] [in the two battles of Jena & Auerstedt, fought on the same day, Napoleon's army decisively defeated the Prussian Army under King Frederick William III]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {m} de Bailén [1808] [aussi : bataille de Baylen]Battle of Bailén [1808] [the first open-field defeat of a Napoleonic army - by the Spanish Army of Andalusia]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Bassano [1796]Battle of Bassano [1796] [French army victory over Austrian army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Bibracte [58 av. J.-C.]Battle of Bibracte [58 BC] [Roman army defeated the Helvetii]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Hochstett [1704] [aussi : bataille de Blenheim ou deuxième bataille de Höchstädt]Battle of Blenheim [1704] [major battle of the War of the Spanish Succession when the overwhelming Allied victory ensured the safety of Vienna from the Franco-Bavarian army]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de la Moskova [1812] [aussi : bataille de la Moskowa ou bataille de Borodino]Battle of Borodino [1812] [2nd major battle during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. The Grande Armée won the battle against the Imperial Russian Army, but failed to gain a decisive victory]
hist. mil. Bataille {f} de Bouvines [1214]Battle of Bouvines [the concluding battle of the Anglo-French War of 1213–1214.A French army under King Philip Augustus defeated an Allied army under Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Buçaco [1810]Battle of Buçaco [1810] [also: Battle of Bussaco] [major battle in the Portuguese mountains, which resulted in the defeat of French forces by Lord Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Cannes [216 av. J.-C.]Battle of Cannae [216 BC] [Hannibal's Carthaginian army heavily defeated the Roman army]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de La Corogne [1809]Battle of Corunna [also: Battle of Elviña] [early in the Peninsular War, the French Army humiliated the British Army and forced it to evacuate by sea]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Crécy [1346]Battle of Crécy [1346, important battle in 100 years' war. French army commanded by King Philip VI was defeated by an English army led by King Edward III ]
hist. mil. pol. bataille d'Edington {noun} [878]Battle of Edington [878] [also: Battle of Ethandun] [Saxon army under Alfred the Great defeated the Great Heathen Army]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Friedland [1807]Battle of Friedland [1807] [Napoleon and the French Army won a decisive victory, routing much of the Russian army. The battlefield was in East Prussia, today Kaliningrad Oblast, Pravdinsk, Russia]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du Guadalete [711]Battle of Guadalete [711] [victory for Muslim army against Visigoths (conquest of Spain)]
hist. mil. bataille {f} d'Inkerman [1854]Battle of Inkerman [1854] [the Allies decisively defeated the Imperial Russian Army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Iéna [1806]Battle of Jena [1806] [in the two battles of Jena & Auerstedt, fought on the same day, Napoleon's army decisively defeated the Prussian Army under King Frederick William III]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} du Chant de Merles [1389] [bataille de Kosovo Polje]Battle of Kosovo [1389] [Ottoman army defeated Christian army led by the Serbian Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović led by ]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Lemberg [1914]Battle of Lemberg [1914] [Russian defeat of Austro-Hungarian army] [also: Battle of Galicia]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Ligny [1815] [aussi : bataille de Fleurus]Battle of Ligny [1815] [the last victory for Napoleon; the French army defeat of the Prussian army was not decisive]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Lutter [1626]Battle of Lutter [1626] [army of the Catholic League defeated combined Danish-German force]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Lützen [1632]Battle of Lützen [1632] [Allied army (Sweden, Saxony & Hesse-Kassel) defeated Holy Roman & Catholic League army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marathon [490 av. J.-C.]Battle of Marathon [490 BC ] [Greek army inflicted a crushing defeat on the Persians]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Morgarten [1315]Battle of Morgarten [in 1315, the Confederates of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden defeated a Habsburg army, laying foundation for future independence of the Swiss Confederacy]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Naissus [268]Battle of Naissus [268] [Roman army defeated Gothic coalition army]
hist. mil. pol. première bataille {f} de Nördlingen [1634]Battle of Nördlingen [1634] [combined Imperial-Spanish force inflicted a crushing defeat on the Swedish-German army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Oldendorf [1633]Battle of Oldendorf [1633] [victory of Swedish Army and allies over Holy Roman army]
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} d'Othée [1408]Battle of Othée [in 1408 the militia and citizens of Liège suffered a heavy defeat against a professional army under John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy.]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Poltava [1709] [aussi : bataille de Pultawa]Battle of Poltava [1709] [decisive battle of the Great Northern War ; Russian army defeated Swedish army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Rain am Lech [1632]Battle of Rain [1632] [victory of Swedish army over Catholic League forces]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Ratisbonne [1809] [aussi : bataille de Regensburg]Battle of Ratisbon [1809] [also: Battle of Regensburg] [final battle in Bavaria, Napoleon forced the Austrian army to retreat into Bohemia, leaving the way open for Napoleon to enter Vienna]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Rheinfelden [1638]Battle of Rheinfelden [1638] [French-Weimaran victory over a joint Bavarian and Holy Roman Empire army]
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