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Dictionary French English: [at]

Translation 1 - 50 of 164  >>

d'active {adj}actual [in use at the time]
alpin. alpestre {adj}alpine [at lower altitudes]
coudé {adj}bent [at an angle]
à domicile {adv}home [at home]
sur ces entrefaites {adv}meanwhile [at that moment]
d'une minute à l'autre {adv}momentarily [Am.] [at any moment]
la nuit {adv}nightly [by / at night - later than evening]
le soir {adv}nightly [by / at night or late evening]
nocturne {adj}nightly [nocturnal, happening at night]
de nuit {adj}nightly [nocturnal, happening at night]
à court terme {adv}quickly [at short notice]
Cordialement, ...  la fin d'une lettre, d'un e-mail]Regards, ... [at the end of a letter, an e-mail]
qui retient bien {adj}retentive [good at remembering, retaining]
à l'époque {adv}then [at that time]
maintenant {adv} [l'époque actuelle]today [at present]
gêné {adj} [serré]uncomfortable [ill at ease]
à quelle heure {adv}when [at which time]
quand que ce soit {adv}whenever [at whatever time]
naut. faire escale [loc.]to call [at a port etc.]
examiner qn./qc.to consider sb./sth. [look at, examine]
pester contre qn./qc.to curse sb./sth. [rant, rail at]
zyeuter qn./qc. [fam.]to eyeball sb./sth. [to stare at]
zyeuter qn./qc. [fam.]to face sb./sth. [look at]
s'évaserto flare [widen at one end]
hist. naut. faire passer qn. sous la quille en guise de châtimentto keelhaul sb. [form of punishment and potential execution once meted out to sailors at sea]
patauger [au bord de la mer, etc.]to paddle [at the seaside etc.]
échelonner qc.to stagger sth. [space out at intervals]
convoquer qn. [employé]to summon sb. [notify to appear at a specified place]
tarauder qn. [fig.]to torment sb. [gnaw at]
se rendre chez qn.to visit sb. [at home]
présent {m}
present [at this moment in time]
éduc. élève {m}
student [at secondary school]
adm. douane {f}
customs [at border]
cuis. relig. colombe {f} de Pâques[an Italian cake moulded in the shape of a dove and traditionally served at Easter]
sport tir {m} à l'arc à la perche verticale[archery sport aiming arrows at a target on top of an approximately 30m pole]
agr. hort. hydro. hortillonnages {m.pl} d'Amiens[maze of floating gardens at Amiens]
arch. hydro. naut. Cité {f} des Bateliers[museum at Longueil-Annel commemorating inland waterways and shipping]
cuis. spéculoos {m} [spéculos, spéculaus][spiced biscuit in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas]
attraction {f}amusement [at a funfair]
auditoire {m} [public]audience [at concert, lecture]
mus. orchestre {m}band [esp. at a dance]
occup. aboyeuse {f} [fam.] [personne]barker [female] [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
occup. aboyeur {m} [fam.] [personne]barker [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
market. stand {m} de foirebooth [at a trade fair]
récré {f} [fam.]break [at school]
éduc. occup. chaire {f} [poste de professeur]chair [position at university]
tâche {f} ménagèrechore [at home]
trafic rond-point {m}circus [at road intersection]
sociol. personne {f} cisgenrecisgender <cis> [person who identifies with the sex assigned at birth]
éduc. camarade {m} d'étudesclassmate [at college, university]
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