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Dictionary French English: [author ]

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

littérat. auteur {m}writer [author]
littérat. auteur {m} [femme]writer [author] [female]
Partial Matches
littérat. recueil {m}corpus [collection of writings by author]
littérat. F La PorteThe Door [author: Magda Szabó (1987)]
littérat. F L'Alchimiste {noun}The Alchemist [author: Paulo Coelho (1988)]
littérat. recueil {m} [d'un auteur]collection [of works by an author]
littérat. market. théâtre lancement {m} [d'acteur, écrivain]promotion [e.g. of an author]
littérat. F Orgueil et PréjugésPride and Prejudice [author: Jane Austen (1813)]
littérat. F Une comédie humaineThe Human Comedy [author: William Saroyan (1943)]
littérat. F Le Carnet d'orThe Golden Notebook [author: Doris Lessing (1962)]
La brodeuse de WinchesterA Single Thread [author: Tracy Rose Chevalier (2019)]
littérat. F Le Monde perduThe Lost World [author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1912)]
littérat. F Le Maître et Marguerite {noun}The Master and Margarita [author: Mikhail Bulgakov (1967)]
film littérat. F Le ParrainThe Godfather [author: Mario Puzo (1969)] [film: Francis Ford Coppola (1972)]
film littérat. F Le TambourThe Tin Drum [author: Günter Grass (1959); director: Volker Schlöndorff (1979)]
littérat. sci. L'Origine des espècesOn the Origin of Species [author: Charles Robert Darwin (1859)]
film littérat. F La Ferme africaineOut of Africa [author: Karen Blixen (1937) ; director: Sydney Pollack (1985)]
film littérat. F Le Troisième HommeThe Third Man [producor: Carol Reed (1949); author: Graham Greene (1950)]
film littérat. F L'Adieu aux armesA Farewell to Arms [Author: Ernest Hemingway (1929); Director: Frank Borzage (1932)]
film littérat. F Notre agent à La Havane {past-p}Our Man in Havana [Author: Graham Greene] [Film Director: Carol Reed]
film littérat. F Les Neiges du KilimandjaroThe Snows of Kilimanjaro [Author: Ernest Hemingway (1936); Director: Henry King (1952)]
Onze minutesEleven Minutes [author: Paulo Coelho (2003)]
littérat. F DraculaDracula [author: Abraham (Bram) Stoker (1897)]
littérat. L'Essence du christianismeThe Essence of Christianity [author: Ludwig Feuerbach (1841)]
littérat. F Mon nom est AramMy Name Is Aram [author: William Saroyan (1940)]
littérat. F Les Iles d'AranThe Aran Islands [author: Edmund John Millington Synge (1901)]
littérat. peindre sur le vif [loc.]to draw from life [idiom] [author: use everyday life as a source of inspiration]
film littérat. F Pour qui sonne le glasFor Whom the Bell Tolls [Author: Ernest Hemingway (1940); Director: Sam Wood (1943)]
film littérat. F Le Bar aux illusionsThe Time of Your Life [author: William Saroyan (1939); film: H. C. Potter (1948)]
film littérat. F Le Parfum, Histoire d'un meurtrierPerfume: The Story of a Murderer [author: Patrick Süskind (1985)] [film: Tom Tykwer (2006)]
film littérat. F Une bouteille à la merMessage in a Bottle [author: Nicholas Sparks (1998); producer: Luis Mandoki (1999)]
film littérat. F Les Raisins de la colèreThe Grapes of Wrath [author: John Steinbeck (1939) ; film director: John Ford (1940)]
littérat. F Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femmeTwenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman [author: Stefan Zweig (1927)]
littérat. F L'Audacieux jeune homme au trapèze volantThe Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze [author: William Saroyan (1934)]
film littérat. F La jeune fille à la perleGirl with a Pearl Earring [author: Tracy Rose Chevalier (1999) film: Peter Webber (2003)]
film littérat. F La Promesse de l'aubePromise at Dawn [author: Romain Gary (1961); director: Jules Dassin (1970); director: Eric Barbier (2017)]
film littérat. F Les 39 Marches {noun}The Thirty-Nine Steps [author: John Buchan (1915)] [films: Alfred Hitchcock (1935); Ralph Thomas (1959); Don Sharp (1978); BBC (2008)]
littérat. sci. Le Voyage du BeagleThe Voyage of the Beagle [author: Charles Robert Darwin (1839)]
littérat. F L'Amie de madame MaigretThe Friend of Madame Maigret [author: Georges Simenon (1950)]
être en dédicace [loc.]to do a (book) signing [idiom] [author: sign lots of books at an exhibition of his / her work]
film littérat. F Le Petit Lord FauntleroyLittle Lord Fauntleroy [author: Frances Hodgson Burnett (1885); director: John Cromwell (1936)]
film littérat. F Non, ce pays n'est pas pour le vieil hommeNo Country for Old Men [author: Cormac McCarthy (2005); producers: Joel and Ethan Coen (2007)]
littérat. F Deception PointDeception Point [author: Dan Brown (2001)]
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