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French-English translation for: [ball-boy]
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Dictionary French English: [ball boy]

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méd. psych. pisseur {m} [enfant]bedwetter [boy]
polisson {m}rascal [naughty boy]
sauvageon {m}wild child [boy]
jeune {m}youth [boy, young man]
méd. psych. pisseur {m} [enfant]bed-wetter [boy]
sociol. enfant {m} précoceearly developer [boy]
relig. premier communiant {m}first communicant [boy]
fils {m} uniqueonly child [boy]
malin {m} [fam.]cutie [clever boy] [coll.]
souffre-douleur {m}doormat [coll.] [whipping boy]
enfant {m} mignon [fam.]cutie [attractive boy] [coll.]
équi. occup. garçon {m} d'écuriefarm hand [stable boy]
marmot {m} [fam.] [petit garçon]kid [coll.] [small boy]
être fils uniqueto be an only child [boy]
flanquer une fessée à qn. [fam.]to give sb. a good hiding [esp. a young boy]
boule {f}bowl [hard ball]
sport batteur {m} [au base-ball]batter
armes boulet {m}cannonball [also: cannon-ball]
sport détourner qc. [balle]to deflect sth. [ball]
sport balle {f} de base-ballbaseball [ball]
sport batteuse {f} [au base-ball]batter [female]
gonflage {m} [pneu, ballon]inflation [tyre, ball]
sport panier {m} [de basket-ball]basketball hoop
sport incliner qc. [balle]to angle sth. [tennis ball]
sport lancer qc. haut [boule]to loft sth. [ball]
putter qc.to putt sth. [a golf ball]
sport dribbleur {m}dribbler [soccer: person who dribbles ball]
sport ballon {m} de foot [fam.]football [soccer ball]
textile pelote {f}clew [ball of thread, yarn, or cord]
sport dribbleuse {f}dribbler [soccer: female person who dribbles ball]
sport jeu {m} de balleball game [also: ball-game]
sport jeu {m} de ballonball game [also: ball-game]
boule {f} de Noëlbauble [esp. Br.] [Christmas tree ball]
armes hist. bombarde {f}bombard [Middle Age cannon firing a stone ball]
sport donner un grand coup de pied dans qc.to belt sth. [ball]
lancer qc. en chandelle [balle]to loft sth. [e.g. a ball]
sport possession {m} du ballonball control [also: control of the ball] [team possession]
sport tirer un coup franc [au handball, basket-ball]to take a free throw
sport attraper qc. [balle de base-ball]to shag sth. [Am.] [coll.] [catch a baseball]
jeux lancer et attrapercatch [children's game] [throwing and catching an object, e.g. a ball]
laisser échapper qc. [ballon, etc.]to fumble sth. [ball etc.]
jeux cochonnet {m}  la pétanque]jack [e.g. aim ball in petanque]
sport sliotar {m}sliotar [ball used in hurling]
cosm. méd. de ouate {adj}cotton [attr.] [e.g. ball or swab, bud or stick, pad, pliers]
sport ballon {m} de handballhandball [ball]
armes hist. balle {f} Minié [ce projectile diffère de la balle sphérique par sa forme en ogive]Minié ball [also: Minie ball]
sport lancer qc. dans un bunker [golf]to bunker sth. [e.g. a golf ball]
sport faire un petit-pont à qn. [fam.]to nutmeg sb. [coll.] [soccer, hockey, etc] [push / kick the ball (or puck) between an opponent's legs]
passe {f} [transmission de ballon, passage navigable, passage dans un programme]pass [ball transfer, river channel, single scan through a set of data or program]
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