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Full phrase not found. Did you mean [baseball]? | » Report missing translation » [baseball] |
Partial Matches |
 | sport batteur {m} [au base-ball] | batter |  |
 | sport batteuse {f} [au base-ball] | batter [female] |  |
 | sport attraper qc. [balle de base-ball] | to shag sth. [Am.] [coll.] [catch a baseball] |  |
 | boule {f} | bowl [hard ball] |  |
 | armes boulet {m} | cannonball [also: cannon-ball] |  |
 | sport détourner qc. [balle] | to deflect sth. [ball] |  |
 | sport balle {f} de base-ball | baseball [ball] |  |
 | gonflage {m} [pneu, ballon] | inflation [tyre, ball] |  |
 | sport panier {m} [de basket-ball] | basketball hoop |  |
 | sport incliner qc. [balle] | to angle sth. [tennis ball] |  |
 | sport lancer qc. haut [boule] | to loft sth. [ball] |  |
 | putter qc. | to putt sth. [a golf ball] |  |
 | sport dribbleur {m} | dribbler [soccer: person who dribbles ball] |  |
 | sport ballon {m} de foot [fam.] | football [soccer ball] |  |
 | textile pelote {f} | clew [ball of thread, yarn, or cord] |  |
 | sport dribbleuse {f} | dribbler [soccer: female person who dribbles ball] |  |
 | sport jeu {m} de balle | ball game [also: ball-game] |  |
 | sport jeu {m} de ballon | ball game [also: ball-game] |  |
 | boule {f} de Noël | bauble [esp. Br.] [Christmas tree ball] |  |
 | armes hist. bombarde {f} | bombard [Middle Age cannon firing a stone ball] |  |
 | sport donner un grand coup de pied dans qc. | to belt sth. [ball] |  |
 | lancer qc. en chandelle [balle] | to loft sth. [e.g. a ball] |  |
 | sport possession {m} du ballon | ball control [also: control of the ball] [team possession] |  |
 | sport tirer un coup franc [au handball, basket-ball] | to take a free throw |  |
 | jeux lancer et attraper | catch [children's game] [throwing and catching an object, e.g. a ball] |  |
 | laisser échapper qc. [ballon, etc.] | to fumble sth. [ball etc.] |  |
 | jeux cochonnet {m} [à la pétanque] | jack [e.g. aim ball in petanque] |  |
 | sport sliotar {m} | sliotar [ball used in hurling] |  |
 | cosm. méd. de ouate {adj} | cotton [attr.] [e.g. ball or swab, bud or stick, pad, pliers] |  |
 | sport ballon {m} de handball | handball [ball] |  |
 | armes hist. balle {f} Minié [ce projectile diffère de la balle sphérique par sa forme en ogive] | Minié ball [also: Minie ball] |  |
 | sport lancer qc. dans un bunker [golf] | to bunker sth. [e.g. a golf ball] |  |
 | sport faire un petit-pont à qn. [fam.] | to nutmeg sb. [coll.] [soccer, hockey, etc] [push / kick the ball (or puck) between an opponent's legs] |  |
 | passe {f} [transmission de ballon, passage navigable, passage dans un programme] | pass [ball transfer, river channel, single scan through a set of data or program] |  |
 | crapuleux {adj} | villainous [base] |  |
 | ling. base {f} [en synchronie] | stem [base] |  |
 | tech. position {f} par défaut | default [base condition] |  |
 | trame {f} [base, fond] | structure [framework] [also fig.] |  |
 | inform. interroger qc. [base de données] | to search through sth. |  |
 | ling. langue {f} verte [français comme base] | thieve's argot |  |
 | visiter qc. [inspecter] | to inspect sth. [e.g. naval base] |  |
 | télécom. antenne-relais {f} de téléphonie mobile [station de base] | base station |  |
 | télécom. antenne-relais {f} de téléphonie mobile [station de base] | cell tower |  |
 | math. système {m} binaire | binary numeral system [also: base-2 numeral system] |  |
 | cuis. Sauerbraten {m} [daube marinée à base de vinaigre] | marinated pot roast |  |
 | cuis. rassissement {m} [pain ou aliments à base de pâte] | staling [going stale] |  |
 | s'appuyer sur qc. [argument, théorie] | to go on sth. [base conclusions on] |  |
 | cuis. tourtière {f} [can.] [tourte à base de porc] | Quebec meat and vegetable pie |  |
 | cuis. cuire qc. à blanc [pâte à tarte] | to bake sth. blind [unfilled tart base] |  |
 | cuis. chimichurri {m} [condiment sud-américain à base de piment] | chimichurri |  |
 | cuis. dashi {m} [bouillon clair utilisé comme base de la cuisine japonaise] | dashi |  |
 | math. système {m} décimal | decimal numeral system [also: base-ten positional numeral system] |  |
 | cuis. pudding {m} [à base de pain rassis] | bread pudding [dessert made with bread and fruit] |  |
 | cuis. pudding {m} de Noël [dessert à base de fruits secs et d'épices] | Christmas pudding |  |
 | cuis. flan {m} pâtissier nature | [traditional preparation found in French patisseries, a base to which you can add fruit or other ingredients] |  |
 | cuis. [soupe épaisse à base de fruits de mer et de légumes] {noun} | chowder [Am.] |  |
 | cuis. [plat à base de purée de pommes de terre et de choux] {noun} | bubble and squeak [Br.] |  |
 | cuis. sauce {f} marinière | mariniere sauce [base of shallots and white wine] |  |
 | cuis. géogr. axoa {m} de bœuf [plat traditionnel basque à base de veau, oignon, piment d'Espelette et poivrons] | veal axoa [traditional spicy basque dish] |  |
 | cuis. géogr. axoa {m} de veau [plat traditionnel basque à base de veau, oignon, piment d'Espelette et poivrons] | veal axoa [traditional spicy basque dish] |  |
 | cuis. bourride {f} [spécialité culinaire traditionnelle de la cuisine de la France méridionale à base de poisson et fruits de mer] | Bourride |  |
 | cuis. fourme {f} d'Ambert [fromage français à base de lait de vache de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes] | fourme d'Ambert |  |
 | ethn. ling. gullah {m} [aussi : geechee] [créole à base lexicale anglaise parlé par les Gullah] | Gullah [also: Gullah-English, Sea Island Creole English or Geechee] |  |