| French | English | |
| dr. film littérat. policier {adj} [film, roman] | detective [film, book] | |
| captivant {adj} {pres-p} | engrossing [book, story etc.] | |
| intitulé {adj} {past-p} | entitled [book etc.] | |
| édition libr. littérat. cartonné {adj} {past-p} [livre] | hardback [book] | |
Verbs |
| rédiger qc. [ouvrage de référence] | to compile sth. [e.g. reference book] | |
| ingurgiter qc. [livre] | to devour sth. [e.g. a book] | |
| écorner qc. [livre] | to dogear sth. [book] | |
| commander qc. d'avance | to reserve sth. [book, subscribe, pre-order] | |
| faire la critique de qc. | to review sth. [a book, play, film, etc.] | |
| édition brocher qc. | to stitch sth. [book] | |
| se compliquer [intrigue d'un livre etc.] | to thicken [of the plot of a book etc.] | |
Nouns |
| connaissance {f} | 18 familiarity [with book, rules, language] | |
| foire {f} | 2 fair [fun fair, book fair] | |
| navet {m} [fam.] | [rubbishy / trashy film, book, work of art etc.] | |
| parution {f} [d'un livre etc.] | appearance [publication of a book etc.] | |
| hist. littérat. zool. bestiaire {m} | bestiary [medieval book of beasts] | |
| édition reliure {f} [livre] | binding [of a book] | |
| film littérat. RadioTV dénouement {m} | ending [outcome of plot in book etc.] | |
| littérat. exergue {m} | epigraph [at beginning of book, chapter] | |
| page {f} de garde | flyleaf [first page of a book] | |
| arts hist. relig. enluminure {f} | illumination [book painting] | |
| arts gravure {f} [dans un livre] | illustration [artwork in book] | |
| édition hist. incunable {m} | incunable [also: incunabulum] [book, pamphlet, or broadside printed in Europe before the 16th century] | |
| édition couverture {f} [jaquette] | jacket [book] | |
| éduc. cahier {m} d'exercices | jotter [Scot.: exercise book] | |
| complément {m} [à la fin d'un livre] | postscript [at the end of a book] | |
| parution {f} [d'un livre] | publication [of a book] | |
| film littérat. théâtre critique {f} | review [book, film] | |
| dr. hist. Miroir {m} des Saxons | Sachsenspiegel [the most important law book of the Holy Roman Empire, originating around 1220 as a record of existing customary law] | |
| trains indicateur {m} [livre recueil d'informations] | timetable [book] | |
| édition littérat. tome {m} [volume] | volume [part of book] | |
2 Words: Others |
| ethn. ling. alémanique {adj} | German-language [attr.] [e.g. book] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| être intitulé qc. | to be entitled sth. [book etc.] | |
| s'intituler qc. [avoir pour titre] | to be entitled sth. [book, pub etc: be called] | |
| feuilleter qc. [survoler] | to flip through sth. [book, newspaper] | |
| toucher à sa fin | to near completion [project, book] | |
| emprunter qc. [livre de bibliothèque] | to take sth. out [e.g. library book] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| inform. littérat. livre {m} numérique | e-book [short for: electronic book] | |
| inform. liseuse {f} [lecteur électronique] | e-reader [e-book reader] | |
| film adaptation {f} cinématographique | film version [of a book etc.] | |
| dépôt {m} légal | formal deposit [of a copy of a book etc. with an institution] | |
| film adaptation {f} cinématographique | movie version [of a book etc.] | |
| littérat. livre {m} captivant | page-turner [fig.] [coll.] [compelling book] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| se tromper de qc. [confondre] | to get the wrong sth. [e.g. book: buy, take, think about] | |
| cartonner qc. | to reinforce sth. with cardboard [e.g. a book] | |
| cuis. obtenir une table | to score a table [Am.] [successfully book a table at a restaurant] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| bible relig. Actes {m.pl} des apôtres <Ac> | Book of Acts [Book of the Apostles] | |
| édition Livre {m} Guinness des records | Guinness World Records [from 1955-1999: The Guinness Book of (World) Records] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| comm. littérat. mus. se vendre à un million d'exemplaires | to sell a million copies [book, record etc.] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. relig. Règle {f} de saint Benoît | Rule of Saint Benedict [book of precepts written in 516 for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. littérat. relig. Combat {m} d'Adam et d'Ève contre Satan [apocryphe chrétien de l'Ancien Testament] | Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan [also: The Book of Adam and Eve] | |
| bible colosse {m} aux pieds d'argile [loc.] | idol with feet of clay [idiom] [Book of Daniel] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film littérat. F À l'est d'Éden | East of Eden [book: John Steinbeck (1952), film: Elia Kazan (1955)] | |
| film littérat. F Le Jardin d'Éden | The Garden of Eden [book: Ernest Miller Hemingway (1986); film: John Irwin (2008)] | |
| film littérat. F Les Canons de Navarone | The Guns of Navarone [book: Alistair MacLean (1957); film: J. Lee Thompson (1961)] | |
| F Superman {m} [super-héros] | Superman [comic-book superhero] | |