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French-English translation for: [building]
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Dictionary French English: [building]

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

haut {adj} [bâtiment, herbe, arbre]
tall [building, grass, tree]
croulant {adj} {pres-p} [bâtiment]crumbling [building]
délabré {adj}derelict [building etc.]
illuminé {adj} {past-p}floodlit [building etc.]
imposant {adj} [bâtiment]grand [building: imposing]
arch. immo. à plusieurs étages {adj}multilevel [attr.] [building, complex]
branlant {adj} [meuble, construction]rickety [furniture, building]
en ruine {adj}ruined [building, object: in ruins, destroyed]
trapu {adj} [bâtiment : peu élevé, homme : râblé]squat [building : low-built, man : short and stocky]
laid {adj} [bâtisse]unsightly [building]
entretenir qn./qc. [famille, bâtiment, relations, etc.]
to maintain sb./sth. [family, building, relations, etc.]
desservir qc.
to service sth. [e.g. staircase serving floors of a building]
crouler [s'effondrer]
to collapse [building]
constr. revêtir qc. [bâtiment, façade, mur]to face sth. [building, façade, wall]
s'écroulerto fall [building, structure, frame]
constr. épépiner qc.to gut sth. [building]
constr. faire la visite de qc. [chantier, usine]to inspect sth. [e.g. building site]
hist. immo. classer qc. [bâtiment]to list sth. [e.g. historical building]
inaugurer qc.to open sth. [new building]
dr. sociol. squatter une maisonto squat [unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building]
se dresser (majestueusement)to tower [building, mountain]
attentat {m} [contre un groupe, bâtiment]
attack [against a group, building]
derrière {m}back [of building etc.]
arch. hist. occup. castellologue {m}castellologist [person who studies the building of castles]
arch. hist. occup. castellologue {f}castellologist [person who studies the building of castles] [female]
arch. hist. sci. castellologie {f}castellology [study of castle building, especially in the Middle Ages]
nacelle {f} suspenduecradle [on a building site]
décombres {m.pl}debris [of a building]
meub. équipement {m} [installations]fixture [immovable object inside a building]
arch. folie {f}folly [foolishness, mistake, ornamental building]
arch. façade {f}front [of a building]
arch. immo. hall {m} [d'une banque, d'un hôtel ou immeuble d'habitation, dans un musée]hall [entrance area of a flat or public building, large room of museum]
constr. surélévation {f}heightening [of a building]
arch. immo. tour {f} d'habitationhighrise [high-rise building]
constr. bois {m} de charpentelumber [Am.] [building timber]
constr. aspect {m} extérieur [de bâtiment]outside [of a building]
immo. préfabriqué {m}prefab [abbr.: prefabricated building]
derrière {m}rear [of building, humorous: bottom of a person]
constr. dr. reconstitution {f} [de crime, d'édifice, etc.]reconstruction [of crime, building, etc.]
constr. échafaudage {m}scaffold [around building: scaffolding]
perspective {f}view [from a building etc.]
décombres {m.pl}wreckage [of a building]
2 Words: Verbs
constr. immo. barrer la vue à qn. [obstruer par une nouvelle construction]to block sb.'s view [by building sth.]
2 Words: Nouns
arch. tour {f} [bâtiment]high rise [high-rise building]
arch. immo. tour {f} d'habitationhigh rise [high-rise building]
constr. géol. matériel zone {f} failléerupture zone [in rock, (building) material]
3 Words: Nouns
constr. année {f} de constructionyear of completion [of a building]
4 Words: Verbs
constr. faire la visite de qc. [chantier, usine]to make an inspection of sth. [e.g. building site]
5+ Words: Verbs
être à la hauteur de qc. [bâtiment]to be on a level with sth. [building]
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