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| arrière {adj} [patte, roue, d'une voiture] | 2 back [paw, wheel, car] | |
| particulier {adj} | private [secretary, car etc.] | |
| auto tech. nerveux {adj} [moteur, voiture] | responsive [motor, car] | |
| (gris) métallisé {adj} | silver [car] | |
| pimpant {adj} [personne, voiture, foyer] | smart [person, car, home] | |
| vaste {adj} [spacieux] | spacious [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe] | |
Verbs |
| auto casser qc. [fam.] [voiture] | to cannibalise sth. [coll.] [Br.] [car : for spare parts] | |
| auto casser qc. [fam.] [voiture] | to cannibalize sth. [coll.] [car : for spare parts] | |
| auto démarrer qc. à la manivelle [auto] | to crank sth. [car: start with crank handle] | |
| désincarcérer qn. | to free sb. [e.g. trapped in a car accident] | |
| se fermer à clef | to lock [itself: door, car, drawer etc.] | |
| capoter [voiture] [se retourner] | to overturn [car] | |
| auto faire un tonneau [voiture, personne] | to overturn [car] | |
| auto faire rouler qc. en marche arrière [voiture] | to reverse sth. [car] | |
| auto bicyc. se déporter [véhicule] | to swerve [e.g. a car] | |
Nouns |
| auto coffre {m} | 24 trunk [chest, box, storage compartment for car in US] | |
| bagnole {f} [fam.] [vieille auto] | 15 banger [coll.] [old car] | |
| auto aviat. naut. épave {f} [carcasse de navire, avion, auto] | 4 wreck [remains of a ship, plane, car] | |
| auto tech. caisse {f} [de voiture] | body [of a car] | |
| auto épave {f} | clunker [coll.] [decrepit car] | |
| portière {f} [d'un véhicule] | door [car, train etc.] | |
| auto aviat. échappement {m} [auto, etc.] | exhaust [car etc.] | |
| auto options {f.pl} [voiture] | frills [options on a car] | |
| capote {f} [voiture, landau] | hood [car, pram] | |
| auto écol. cimetière {m} de voitures [fam.] | junkyard [Am.] [car dump] | |
| location {f} | lease [car, equipment] | |
| immatriculation {f} | licensing [registration of car] | |
| market. marque {f} | make [of car etc.] | |
| auto caisse {f} [fam.] [voiture] | motor [Br.] [coll.] [car] | |
| auto tire {f} [fam.] [voiture] | motor [Br.] [coll.] [car] | |
| occup. amazone {f} [prostituée] [fam.] | prostitute [who solicits from a car] | |
| auto ronflement {m} [de moteur] | purr [car engine] | |
| auto sport voiture {f} de course | racer [car] | |
| auto sport rallye {m} | rally [car race] | |
| rappel {m} | recall [e.g. ambassador, faulty car] | |
| auto tech. caisse {f} [de voiture] | shell [of a car] | |
| trains voiture-lit {f} | sleeper [Br.] [sleeping car] | |
| trains wagon-lit {m} | sleeper [Br.] [sleeping car] | |
| écart {m} [voiture, vélo] | swerve [car, bike] | |
| auto hayon {m} | tailgate [of car] | |
| auto châssis {m} | undercarriage [of car etc.] | |
| auto clignotant {m} [de voiture] | winker [car indicator light] | |
2 Words: Others |
| performant {adj} [machine, car] | high-performance | |
| gris métallisé {adj} [voiture] | metallic silver [car colour] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| auto avoir du souffle [fig.] [moteur] | to be powerful [car] | |
| auto tech. faire démarrer qc. [voiture, moteur] | to fire sth. up [an engine, a chainsaw, a car, etc.] | |
| auto bicyc. déporter qn./qc. [voiture, vélo] | to make sb./sth. swerve [e.g. car, bicycle] | |
| auto faire un tonneau [voiture, personne] | to roll over [car, etc.] | |
| trains transp. assurer la liaison entre qc. [train, car] | to run between sth. [train, bus service] | |
| se tasser [se serrer] | to scrunch up [e.g. in a car] | |
| auto gonfler qc. [moteur, voiture] | to soup sth. up [engine, car] | |
| se tasser [se serrer] | to squash up [e.g. in a car] | |
| se tasser [se serrer] | to squeeze up [e.g. in a car] | |
| auto sport se courir [course de voiture] | to take place [e.g. car racing] | |
| auto faire un tonneau [voiture, personne] | to turn over [car] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| auto tas {m} de ferraille [fig.] [fam.] [vieille auto] | (old) heap [fig.] [sl.] [delapidated old car] | |
| auto voiture {f} blindée | armored car [Am.] [bullet-resistant car for presidents etc.] | |
| auto voiture {f} blindée | armoured car [Br.] [bullet-resistant car for politicians etc.] | |
| covoiturage {m} | car pool [arrangement among car owners] | |
| auto deux-chevaux {f} [2 CV] | Citroën 2CV [car] | |
| trafic transp. car-navette {m} [rare] [car qui fait navette] | commuter bus | |
| auto bouchon {m} de réservoir [d'une auto] | filler cap [of a car] | |
| plafonnier {m} [dans une auto] | interior light [in a car] | |
| gris {m} métallisé [voiture] | metallic silver [car colour] | |
| auto vieux tacot {m} [fam.] | old crock [Br.] [sl.] [delapidated old car] | |
| auto monospace {m} | people carrier [Br.] [large car / MPV] | |
| trafic transp. car-navette {m} [rare] [car qui fait navette] | shuttle bus | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| étre happé par qc. [voiture, train, etc.] | to be hit by sth. [car, train etc.] | |
| auto tenir facilement à cinq [voiture] | to seat five comfortably [car] | |
| auto casser qc. [fam.] [voiture] | to take sth. to bits [car : for spare parts] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| écol. tourisme aire {f} de vidange [camping-car] | waste treatment area [for a camping car] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| auto conduire qn. à la gare | to run sb. to the station [in a car] | |
| déraper [voiture] | to spin out (of control) [car] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| auto bicyc. déporter qn./qc. [voiture, vélo] | to force sb./sth. out of the way [e.g. car, bicycle] | |