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French-English translation for: [event]
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Dictionary French English: [event]

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

triste {adj} [région, événement]depressing [region, event]
terne {adj} [vie, personne, événement, poil]dull [life, person, event, hair]
inouï {adj} [événement]unprecedented [event]
avancer qc.to advance sth. [time, event]
reconstituer qc.to reconstruct sth. [crime, event]
période {f} précédantebuildup [gradual approach to an event]
circonstances {f.pl} [conditions]context {sg} [circumstances of an event]
manifestation {f} organisée au profit d'une œuvrefundraiser [event]
point {m} culminant [match, spectacle, événement]highlight [of match, show, event]
réaction {f}reaction [action in response to an event]
sport épreuve {f}trial [competitive event]
2 Words
à ciel ouvert {adj}open-air [attr.] [event, pool etc.]
prévoir qc.to provide for sth. [possible event, emergency]
reculer qc. [dans le temps]to put sth. back [date, event etc.]
reculer qc. [dans le temps]to put sth. off [date, event etc.]
bien se passer [bien se dérouler]to run smoothly [event]
période {f} précédantebuild-up [gradual approach to an event]
sport triple saut {m}triple jump [track and field event]
3 Words
sport faire un tour de pisteto do a lap [e.g. track event]
écon. pol. événement {m} du cygne noirblack swan event [event that comes as a surprise and has a major effect]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Compiègne [1430]siege of Compiègne [1430] [Joan of Arc's final military action with her capture by the Burgundians. A minor siege but important event in the 100 Years' War]
hist. pol. serment {m} du Jeu de paume [1789]Tennis Court Oath [a pivotal event in the French Revolution. In 1789, the members of the French Third Estate voted "not to separate until the Constitution of the kingdom is established"]
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Marchfeld [1278]Battle on the Marchfeld [1278] [decisive event for the history of Central Europe for the following centuries when the German king Rudolph I of Habsburg defeated king Ottokar II of Bohemia]
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