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French-English translation for: [fig-mulberry]
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Dictionary French English: [fig mulberry]

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tendu {adj} [aussi fig.]taut [tightly drawn, tight] [also fig.]
aplanir qc. [fig.] [problèmes]to iron sth. out [fig.] [problems]
avoisiner qc. [aussi fig.]to border on sth. [also fig.]
brasser qc. [idées] [fig.]to toss sth. around [ideas] [fig.]
claironner qc. [fig.]to shout sth. from the rooftops [fig.]
colorer qc. [fig.]to lend color to sth. [fig.] [Am.]
colorer qc. [fig.]to lend colour to sth. [fig.] [Br.]
compartimenter qc. [aussi fig.]to compartmentalise sth. [Br.] [also fig.]
dégriser qn. [aussi fig.]to sober sb. up [also fig.]
démolir qn./qc. [fig.] [réputation]to destroy sb./sth. [fig.]
enjoliver qc. [fig.] [faits]to dress sth. up [fig.] [facts]
éplucher qc. [fig.]to put sth. under the microscope [fig.]
flairer qc. [aussi fig.]to sniff sth. out [also fig.]
chim. électr. galvaniser qc. [aussi fig.]to galvanise sth. [also fig.] [Br.]
glacer qn. [fig.]to chill sb. to the bone [fig.]
gober qc. [fam.] [aussi fig.]to swallow sth. [also fig.]
psych. hypnotiser qn. [aussi fig.]to hypnotise sb. [Br.] [also fig.]
méd. instiller qc. [aussi fig.]to instil sth. [Br.] [also fig.]
méd. instiller qc. [aussi fig.]to instill sth. [Am.] [also fig.]
mendier qc. [aussi fig.]to beg for sth. [also fig.]
s'assombrir [fig.] [visage, perspectives]to cloud [fig.] [face, prospects]
s'embourber [aussi fig.]to get bogged down [also fig.]
s'enraciner [personne] [fig.]to put down new roots [fig.]
méd. béquille {f} [aussi fig.]crutch [for an invalid] [also fig.]
berceau {m} [de personne, famille] [aussi fig.]birthplace [also fig.]
littérat. canevas {m} [fig.] [d'un roman, exposé]basic framework [fig.]
lie {f} [aussi fig.]dregs {pl} [leftovers, remains, sediment] [also fig.]
à rebours {adv} [aussi fig.]against the grain [also fig.]
auto au volant {adv} [aussi fig.]at the wheel [also fig.]
théâtre en coulisses {adv} [auch fig.]behind the scenes [also fig.]
faire mouche [aussi fig.]hit the spot [also fig.]
faire mouche [aussi fig.]to hit the mark [also fig.]
faire mouche [aussi fig.]to hit the target [also fig.]
rendre qn. aveugle [aussi fig.]to blind sb. [also fig.]
tourner casaque [fig.]to do a U-turn [also fig.]
anat. centre {m} nerveux [aussi fig.]nerve center [Am.] [also fig.]
équi. galop {m} d'essai [aussi fig.]trial run [also fig.]
transp. gendarme {m} couché [fam.] [fig.]sleeping policeman [Br.] [coll.] [fig.]
homme-orchestre {m} [aussi fig.]one-man band [also fig.]
lèche-bottes {m} [fig.] [fam.]crawler [Br.] [coll.] [fig.] [pej.]
à la dérive {adj} [aussi fig.]rudderless [drifting] [also fig.]
de haut vol {adj} [fig.] [diplomate]high-flying [attr.] [fig.]
psych. Unverified déconnecté du monde {adj} {past-p} [fig.]disconnected from the world [fig.]
dévoré de jalousie {adj} {past-p} [fig.]eaten up with jealousy [fig.]
sous le manteau {adj} [paiement] [fig.]under the counter [fig.]
aller de travers [fig.]to go awry [fig.] [go wrong]
équi. Unverified avoir des œillères [aussi fig.]to be blinkered [also fig.]
choquer la vue [fig.] [bâtiment]to be an eyesore [fig.]
choquer la vue [fig.] [bâtiment]to offend the eye [fig.]
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