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French-English translation for: [five-star]
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Dictionary French English: [five star]

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mil. généralissime {m}generalissimo [military rank of the highest degree, superior to field marshal and other five-star ranks]
armes film F sabre {m} laser [Star Wars]lightsaber [Am.] [Star Wars]
armes film F sabre {m} laser [Star Wars]lightsabre [Br.] [Star Wars]
film F chevalier {m} Jedi [Star Wars]Jedi Knight [Star Wars]
clignoter [étoile]to twinkle [star]
astron. naine {f} rouge [étoile]red dwarf [star]
astron. Pléiades {f.pl}Seven Sisters [Pleiades] [star cluster]
astron. étoile {f} binairebinary [short for: binary star]
astron. naine {f} brunebrown dwarf [also: failed star]
astron. étoile {f} carbonéeC-type star [carbon star]
cuis. étoile {f} à la cannelle[star-shaped cinnamon biscuit / cookie]
apparition {f} en publicpublic appearance [of star, celebrity]
géogr. pol. Texas {m} [État du Sud des États-Unis]Texas <TX> [Lone Star State]
géogr. pol. Minnesota {m} [État du Midwest des États-Unis]Minnesota <MN> [North Star State, Gopher State]
astron. magnitude {f} apparenteapparent magnitude <m> [measure of the brightness of a star ]
cinq heures cinqfive minutes past five
dr. chefs {m.pl} d'accusationcharges [e.g., on five charges]
outil. textile jeu {m} d'aiguilles[set of four or five double-pointed knitting needles]
cuis. umami {m}umami [one of the five basic tastes]
hist. Piste {f} des larmesTrail of Tears [ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850 by the US government]
hist. mus. neumes {f.pl}neumes [basic elements of musical notation before the invention of five-line staff notation]
hist. naut. pol. traité {m} naval de Washington [1922]Washington Naval Treaty [1922] [also: Five-Power Treaty] [agreed to prevent an arms race by limiting naval construction]
hist. pol. Directoire {m} [1795-1799]Directory [1795-1799] [also: Directorate] [governing five-member committee in the French First Republic from 1795 until 1799, when it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte]
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