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French-English translation for: [four-wheel-drive]
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Dictionary French English: [four wheel drive]

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auto tout-terrain {m} [voiture]four-by-four <4 x 4> [a four-wheel-drive motor vehicle]
auto tour {m} [en voiture]spin [drive]
roulerto go [drive in a vehicle]
auto démarrer [véhicule]to pull away [drive away]
inform. clé {f} USBmemory stick [flash drive]
auto patiner [roue]to spin [wheel]
jante {f}rim [of a wheel]
cuis. cuisson {f} [au four]baking
sole {f} [de four]hearth
unit lieue {f}league [four kilometers]
constr. mural {adj} [four]wall-mounted
auto bicyc. rayon {m} [de roue]spoke [in wheel]
par quatre {adv}fourfold [four times]
couleur {f} complémentairecomplement [opposite in color wheel]
cuis. tournebroche {m} [d'un four]rotisserie [device]
moyeu {m} [de roue, hélice]hub [in wheel, propeller]
cuis. faire chauffer qc. [four]to heat up sth.
tech. déboulonner qc. [roue]to unbolt sth. [e.g. a wheel]
arrière {adj} [patte, roue, d'une voiture]back [paw, wheel, car]
agr. zool. désalpe {f} [suisse] [descente de l'alpage][autumnal ceremonial cattle drive from mountain pastures into valleys]
dr. hist. écarteler qn. [torturer]to quarter sb. [cut into four pieces]
week-end {m} prolongélong weekend [three- or four-day weekend]
outil. textile jeu {m} d'aiguilles[set of four or five double-pointed knitting needles]
auto dr. sabot {m} de Denver [bloqueur de voiture]Denver boot [Am.] [wheel clamp]
être la cinquième roue du carrosse [loc.]to be the third wheel [coll.] [idiom] [a corruption of fifth wheel] [Am.]
géogr. golfe {m} de KandalakchaKandalaksha Gulf [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
hist. mil. pol. sixième guerre {f} d'Italie [1521 - 1525] [aussi : guerre de Quatre Ans]Italian War of 1521–1526 [also: Four Years' War]
hist. mil. infanterie {f} de ligneline infantry [two to four ranks of foot soldiers drawn up side by side in rigid alignment, 17C-19C]
géogr. baie {f} de MezenMezen Bay [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
géogr. baie {f} d'OnegaOnega Bay [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
géogr. baie {f} de la DvinaDvina Bay [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
cuis. outil. tandoor {m} [aussi : tandour] [sorte de four en terre cuite en forme de jarre]tandoor
cuis. petit four {m} {nounnoun} [aussi : petit-four]petit-four
cuis. toad in the hole {m} [saucisses cuites au four dans la pâte à crêpes salée]toad-in-the-hole [Br.]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Fontainebleau [1807]Treaty of Fontainebleau [1807] [secret agreement signed between King Charles IV of Spain and the French Emperor Napoleon, to drive the House of Braganza from and divide the Kingdom of Portugal]
hist. mil. pol. septième guerre {f} d'Italie [1527 - 1530] [aussi : guerre de la Ligue de Cognac]War of the League of Cognac [1527 - 1530] [failing attempt by League of Cognac to drive the House of Habsburg from the Italian peninsula]
hist. pol. Bulle {f} d'or (de 1356) [aussi : bulle d'or de Nuremberg ou bulle d'or de Metz]Golden Bull of 1356 [a decree which fixed, for a period of more than four hundred years, important aspects of the constitutional structure of the Holy Roman Empire]
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