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French-English translation for: [gas-lighting]
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Dictionary French English: [gas lighting]

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Partial Matches
psych. gaslighting {m} [aussi : gas-lighting]gaslighting [leading sb. to doubt their perception of reality]
faible {adj} [éclairage]dim [lighting]
de faible intensité {adj} [lumière]faint [lighting]
théâtre rampe {f}footlights {pl} [floor-level stage lighting]
d'une grande intensité {adj} [lumière]brilliant [lighting]
outil. longue allumette {f}spill [taper for lighting candles etc.]
tech. tuyau {m} de sortie [gas, eau]outlet [gas, water]
phys. se dilaterto expand [gas]
évent {m}vent [for gas etc.]
fuirto leak out [gas, liquid]
tech. canalisation {f} principalemain [water, gas pipe]
tech. conduite {f} (principale)main [water, gas pipe]
chim. propulseur {m}propellant [gas in aerosol spray]
s'échapperto leak out [gas, liquid]
chim. se dégager par effervescence [gaz]to effervesce [gas]
auto consommation {f} (d'essence)mileage [gas mileage, consumption]
propergol {m}propellant [explosive charge, gas in aerosol spray]
gazer qn./qc.to gas sb./sth. [attack with gas]
fin. abonnement {m} [pour gaz, électricité]standing charge [for gas, electricity]
géol. minér. déverser qc. [lave, gaz etc.]to spew sth. out [lava, gas etc.]
chim. gaz {m} hilarant [N2O] [protoxyde d'azote]dinitrogen monoxide [N2O] [laughing gas]
chim. pharm. agent {m} lacrymogènelachrymator [a tear-producing substance (as tear gas, pepper spray)]
comm. fournisseur {m} [d'électricité, de gaz, d'eau etc.]utility [company supplying electricity, gas, water etc.]
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