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French-English translation for: [half-door]
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Dictionary French English: [half door]

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abattant {m}hatch [half-door, service hatch]
pêne {m}bolt [on a door]
s'entrouvrirto come ajar [door]
forcer qc.to force sth. [door, lock]
claquer qc. [porte]to slam sth. [door]
cognement {m}knock [at a door etc.]
serrure {f}lock [on a door, gun]
arch. constr. clouté {adj} {past-p}nail-studded [e.g. door]
condamné {adj} {past-p} [fermé]sealed up [door, window]
se fermerto close [door, gate, window, eyes]
fermer qc. au loquetto latch sth. [door]
se fermerto shut [door, gate, window, eyes]
frapper qc.to bang sth. shut [door, window]
s'entrouvrirto half-open [door, flower etc.]
frapper qc.to slam sth. shut [door, window]
pol. faire du démarchageto canvass door to door
rotatif {adj}revolving [attr.] [e.g. chair, door, pencil]
coulissant {adj} {pres-p}sliding [attr.] [e.g. door, ladder, roof]
battant {m} [de porte]leaf [of a double door]
battant {m} [d'une porte]panel [of a door]
frapper qc.to slam sth. to [e.g. door]
de porte à porte {adv}from door to door
de derrière {adj}back [garden, window, row, entrance, gate, door]
montant {m} [d'une porte, échelle]upright [of door, ladder]
sonnette {f} électriqueelectric bell [on a front door etc.]
se fermer à clefto lock [itself: door, car, drawer etc.]
sortir de ses gonds [porte]to come off its hinges [door]
comm. tirer toutes les sonnettes [fig.]to sell from door to door
suspendu {adj} [porte : sur ses gonds]underhung [door: resting on track beneath]
se diriger petit à petit vers qc. [porte]to inch towards sth. [door]
timbre {m} [sonnette, instrument de musique]bell [door bell, small bell,]
plaque {f} [sur une porte, etc.]plate [on a door etc.]
pol. faire du porte-à-porteto canvas from door to door
grincer [porte, métal]to creak [door, metal]
comm. pol. faire du porte-à-porte [loc.]to go (from) door to door [idiom] [selling, canvassing]
bouton {m} [de porte, de radio]knob [door handle, on radio etc.]
mus. accord {m} mineurminor [note one half-step down]
math. graphe {m} demi-hypercubehalved cube graph [also: half cube graph]
C'est un Anglo-Français.He's half English and half French.
mi-figue, mi-raisin {adj}half in earnest, half in jest
cuis. huîtres {f.pl} RockefellerOysters Rockefeller [oysters on the half-shell that have been topped with a rich sauce of butter, herbs, and bread crumbs, then baked]
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