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French-English translation for: [high-rise]
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Dictionary French English: [high rise]

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Partial Matches
arch. immo. tour {f} d'habitationhighrise [high-rise building]
arch. tour {f} [bâtiment]high rise [high-rise building]
arch. immo. tour {f} d'habitationhigh rise [high-rise building]
comm. fin. hausse {f}hike [coll.] [rise in price]
alim. calorique {adj}caloric [high in calories]
exigeant {adj}sophisticated [high-class, highbrow]
soutenu {adj} {past-p}sophisticated [high-class, highbrow]
qualité {f} excellenteexcellence [high quality]
éduc. occup. professeur {m}professor [Br.] [high-ranking academic]
élevé {adj} [haut, noble]lofty [tall, morally high]
éduc. cinquième {f} [classe][second year of high school]
point {m} culminantpeak [summit, top, high point]
agr. estivage {m}summer pasturing [on high mountain slopes]
exorbitant {adj}eyewatering [extremely high] [of figures, amounts etc.]
prohibitif {adj} [interdit, prix]prohibitive [forbidding; price: exceedingly high]
cuis. spiritueuxspirituous [rare] [with a high alcohol content]
sport sauter en rouleau [en dorsal]to flop [high jump]
sport sauter en rouleau [en ventral]to straddle [high jump]
prix {m} dérisoire [élevé]ridiculous price [far too high]
exorbitant {adj}eye-watering [extremely high] [of figures, amounts etc.]
éduc. niveau {m} avancé [d'école][advanced level of a high school]
avoir très chaudto be hot [feel hot, high in temperature]
avoir trop chaudto be hot [feel hot, high in temperature]
méd. faire de la températureto burn up [coll.] [have a high temperature]
fin. se vendre cher [objet]to fetch a lot [achieve a high price]
électr. courant {m} à haute tensionhigh voltage current [also: high-voltage current]
électr. courant {m} de haute tensionhigh voltage current [also: high-voltage current]
météo. anticyclone {m} des AçoresAzores High [also: North Atlantic Subtropical High / Azores anticyclone]
bicyc. hist. grand bi {m} [aussi : grand-bi]high wheel [also: high wheeler] [penny farthing]
arch. relig. cathédrale {f} Saint-Gilles [Édimbourg]St Giles' Cathedral [also: High Kirk of Edinburgh]
hist. cubiculaire {m} [fonctionnaire de rang élevé à Byzance][high-ranking government worker in Byzantium]
manitou {m} [fam.]big enchilada [Am.] [coll.] [person of high rank or great importance]
grosse légume {f} [fam.] [loc.]big enchilada [Am.] [coll.] [person of high rank or great importance]
élévation {f} [hauteur, rang]elevation [height, high social position]
éduc. École {f} de maturité [suisse] [lycée, collège, gymnase][public academic high school, Br. grammar school]
ling. voyelle {f} fermée centrale non arrondie [aussi : voyelle haute centrale non arrondie]close central unrounded vowel [also: high central unrounded vowel]
phys. physique {f} des particules [aussi : physique subatomique ou physique des hautes énergies]particle physics [also: high energy physics]
équi. faire la courte échelle à qn.to give sb. a leg-up [to help sb. to mount a horse or high object]
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