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French-English translation for: [information]
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Dictionary French English: [information]

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assimilable {adj} [information]digestible [information]
passionnant {adj} {pres-p} [personne, dossier, information, musée]fascinating
précieux {adj} [information]very useful
véridique {adj} [information]genuine
fuiter [information]
to leak [fig.] [information]
assimiler qc. [information]to digest sth. [information]
butiner qc. [fig.]to glean sth. [information]
capter qc. [parole, information]to take sth. in [e.g. information]
déformer qc. [message, vérité, information, faits]to contort sth.
déformer qc. [message, vérité, information, faits]to falsify sth.
déformer qc. [message, vérité, information, faits]to misrepresent sth.
dénicher qc. [trouver] [renseignement, indice]to unearth sth. [fig.] [information, evidence]
échanger qc. [idées, informations]to interchange sth. [exchange: opinions, ideas, information]
gérer qc. [fig.] [situation, information, problème, crise]to handle sth. [manage]
lâcher qc. [information]to reveal sth.
rassembler qc.to collect sth. [information, evidence, documents]
recueillir qc. [information, vote, argent, etc.]to collect sth. [gather]
recueillir qc. [information]to garner sth. [gather]
révéler qc. [scandale, secret]to divulge sth. [a secret, sensitive information, etc.]
taire qc. [passer sous silence - information]to hush sth. up
inform. traiter qc. [données, information, image]to process sth.
éduc. véhiculer qc. [idéologie, savoir]to impart sth. [knowledge, information, etc.]
affiche {f} [information]
assimilation {f} [d'information]digestion [of information]
clarification {f}clarification [additional information]
gestion {f} [de situation, crise, d'information]handling [e.g. of a crisis]
infobésité {f} [fam.] [surcharge informationnelle]infoxication [neol.] [information overload]
l'info {f} [fam.]the poop [Am.] [sl.] [information]
lisibilité {f}comprehensibility [of written information]
message {m} [information]communication [message]
tuyau {m} [fam.] [information]tip [coll.]
2 Words: Verbs
accéder à qc. [internet, informations, etc.]to access sth. [internet, information etc.]
apprendre qc. à qn. [communiquer une information]to inform sb. of sth.
dévoiler qc. à qn. [fig.] [intentions, information]to reveal sth. to sb.
dispenser qc. à qn. [information, conseil, service, soin]to give sth. to sb.
provenir de qc. [information]to be drawn from sth.
se communiquer qc. [information, nouvelle]to pass on sth. to each other
se diffuser [nouvelle, information]to spread
tirer qc. de qn.to get sth. out of sb. [e.g. information]
éduc. transmettre qc. à qn. [connaissances]to impart sth. to sb. [knowledge, information, etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
internet trafic Bison {m} Futé[French traffic information service]
3 Words: Others
sujet à caution {adj} [information, témoignage]questionable
sujet à caution {adj} [information, témoignage]unreliable
3 Words: Verbs
agir conformément à qc. [information]to act on sth. [information]
déballer la vérité [fam.]to spill the beans [coll.] [fig.] [betray incriminating information]
passer qc. sous silenceto withhold sth. [truth, information]
3 Words: Nouns
indication {f} de directiondirection [directional information]
4 Words: Verbs
agir à partir de qc. [information]to act on sth. [information]
presser qn. comme un citron [loc.]to squeeze sb. dry [idiom] [extract information]
4 Words: Nouns
phys. théorie {f} de l'information quantique [aussi : information quantique]quantum information
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