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French-English translation for: [into]
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Dictionary French English: [into]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

[pas divisible ou pas divisé en parts] {adj}indiscrete [rare] [not divided into distinct parts]
to lie [to be in / go into a horizontal position]
suppléer à qc. [compenser]to accommodate sth. [bring into harmony]
mettre qc. en équilibreto accommodate sth. [bring into harmony]
coordonner qc. [harmoniser]to attune sth. [bring sth. into harmony, e.g. interests]
harmoniser qc.to attune sth. [bring sth. into harmony, e.g. interests]
observer qn./qc.to consider sb./sth. [take into account]
respecter qn./qc.to consider sb./sth. [take into account]
tenir compte de qn./qc.to consider sb./sth. [take into account]
Unverified prendre qc. en compte [loc.]to consider sth. [take into account]
se pulvériserto crumble [into powder]
apparaître [habitude, situation]to develop [habit, situation: come into being]
trafic s'engager dans qc. [rue]to enter sth. [turn into e.g. a lane]
exécuter qc. [réaliser]to execute sth. [carry out, put into action]
textile feutrer qc.to felt sth. [turn into felt]
piler qc.to grind sth. [into dust, powder]
se heurter à qc.to hit sth. [to collide into]
s'intégrer [dans, à]to integrate [esp. person into a group, society]
dr. hist. écarteler qn. [torturer]to quarter sb. [cut into four pieces]
méd. faire interner qn. [dans un hôpital psychiatrique]to section sb. [Br.] [legally force sb. into a psychiatric hospital]
arts Unverified dégrader qc. [couleurs]to shade sth. [into one another] [colours / colors]
géogr. fleuve {m}
river [flowing into the sea]
géogr. rivière {f}
river [flowing into another river]
fin. versement {m} [dépôt]
deposit [into an account]
adm. occup. pol. Atelier et Chantier d'Insertion {noun} <ACI>[French government organisation for re-integrating long-term unemployed back into society]
cuis. aligot {m}aligot [dish made from cheese blended into mashed potatoes (often with some garlic) that is made in L'Aubrac region in the southern Massif Central of France]
cuis. croquembouche {m}croquembouche [aussi : croque-en-bouche] [French dessert consisting of choux pastry puffs piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel, often served at weddings]
plongeon {m}dive [into water]
sport plongeon {m} [discipline]diving [from a height into water]
admission {f} [dans un club]induction [into a club]
intégration {f} [dans un travail]induction [into a job]
mil. incorporation {f} [dans l'armée]induction [into the army]
initiation {f}initiation [acceptance into something, admission]
arts polyptyque {m}polyptych [a painting (usually panel painting) which is divided into sections, or panels.]
sociol. réinsertion {f} [réadaption à la société]rehabilitation [reintegration into society]
cuis. mouillette {f}  tremper dans un œuf mollet]soldier [strip of bread for dipping into a soft-boiled egg]
2 Words: Verbs
décomposer qc. [séparer un tout en ses parties; séparer les éléments]to break sth. down [into its separate elements]
mil. déferler sur qc. [ville, pays]to pour into sth. [e.g. soldiers into a town]
insinuer qc. dans qc.to slip sth. into sth. [introduce into]
emmagasiner qc. [entreposer]to store sth. away [stock, put into storage]
2 Words: Nouns
irruption {f} [entrée soudaine et violente de personnes dans un lieu]bursting in [of people into a place]
dr. sociol. violation {f} de domicileforcible entry [into a person's home]
cuis. homard {m} Thermidorlobster Thermidor [lobster meat cooked in a rich wine sauce, stuffed back into a lobster shell, and browned]
hist. pol. Pragmatique Sanction {f} [1549]Pragmatic Sanction [edict issued by Charles, Holy Roman Emperor, in 1549 reorganising the Seventeen Provinces of the present-day Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg into one indivisible territory]
trafic sortie {f} de camions [avertissement routier]truck exit [usually a warning sign that trucks could enter into the road]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Ratisbonne [1809] [aussi : bataille de Regensburg]Battle of Ratisbon [1809] [also: Battle of Regensburg] [final battle in Bavaria, Napoleon forced the Austrian army to retreat into Bohemia, leaving the way open for Napoleon to enter Vienna]
Charles {m} le Téméraire [1433-1477]Charles the Bold [was Duke of Burgundy 1467-1477. Tried and failed to turn the Burgundian State into a territorially continuous Kingdom, leading to centuries of European disputes.]
4 Words: Others
Du nerf ! [fam.] [loc.]Give it some welly ! [coll.] [idiom] [put more effort into it!]
4 Words: Verbs
monter dans une voitureto jump in a car [get into]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du Lechfeld [955](Second) Battle of Lechfeld [955] [German victory, halting the Magyar incursions into Latin Europe ]
5+ Words: Others
Ça va être ma fête ! [fam.] [loc.]I'm going to cop it! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [get into trouble]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la Sixième Coalition [1813-1814]War of the Sixth Coalition [1813-1814] [coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, UK, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and some German States defeated France and drove Napoleon into exile on Elba]
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