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French-English translation for: [iron:]
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Dictionary French English: [iron ]

Translation 1 - 18 of 18


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fameux {adj} [iron.] [célèbre]infamous
Vraiment ? [iron.]Oh yeah?
Partial Matches
remarque {f} profonde [aussi iron.]profundity
cuis. outil. poêlon {m}heavy saucepan [earthenware or cast iron]
de fer {adj}iron [attr.] [made of, containing iron]
en fer {adj}iron [attr.] [made of, containing iron]
minér. marcassite {f} [aussi : marcasite]marcasite [also: white iron pyrite]
chim. matériel acier {m} chroméchromium alloy steel [alloy of iron and chromium]
armure cervelière {f}cervelliere [also: cervelière, cervelliera] [close-fitting skull cap of iron]
arranger qc. [iron.] [fam.]to make a complete mess of sth. [coll.]
arranger qc. [iron.] [fam.]to make a right mess of sth. [coll.] [Br.]
callipyge {adj} [aux formes arrondies, joufflu] [rare] [fig.] [iron.] [objet]callipygous [having well-shaped buttocks]
avoir de la suite dans les idées [iron.] [être entêté]to not be easily deterred
outil. repasser à la vapeurto iron with a steam iron
arranger qc. [fig.] [iron.] [histoire, faits]to doctor sth. [fig.] [e.g. facts]
armes hist. mil. ribaudequin {m}ribauldquin [introduced in 14C - volley gun with many small-caliber iron barrels set up parallel on a platform]
trains transp. Rhin {m} d'acierSteel Rhine [also: Iron Rhine] [partially operational freight rail corridor connecting the port of Antwerp (Belgium) and Mönchengladbach (Germany)]
hist. pol. Philippe {m} IV le Bel [1268-1314] [aussi : le Roi de fer]Philip IV the Fair [1268-1314] [also: the Iron King] [King of France from 1285 to 1314]
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