| French | English | |
| éduc. Plus est en vous. | [A motto used by a number of colleges, including Gordonstoun School (Scotland), roughly translated as 'There is more in you'.] | |
| en fait {adv} | basically [the fact is that] | |
| pas sincère {adj} | disingenuous [context: It is disingenuous to do sth.] | |
| Au feu ! | Fire! [something is burning] | |
| avec un peu de chance {adv} | hopefully [it is hoped that] | |
| relig. Inch'Allah. [Si Dieu le veut.] | Insha'Allah. [If it is God's will.] | |
| relig. Inch'Allah. [Si Dieu le veut.] | Inshallah. [If it is God's will.] | |
| c'est-à-dire {adv} <c.-à-d., c-à-d> | videlicet <viz> [namely, i.e, that is to say] | |
Nouns |
| interlocuteur {m} [dans une conversation] | 4 interlocutor [male person to whom one is talking] | |
| soupçon {m} [petite quantité, idée que quelqu'un est coupable] | 4 suspicion [tiny amount, idea that soemone is guilty] | |
| cuis. baeckeoffe {m} | [casserole dish that is typical in Alsace with sliced potatoes and onions, marinated cubed mutton, beef, and pork] | |
| naut. éclusée {f} | [volume of water released when lock gate is opened] | |
| affirmation {f} | affirmation [confirmation that sth. is true] | |
| cuis. aligot {m} | aligot [dish made from cheese blended into mashed potatoes (often with some garlic) that is made in L'Aubrac region in the southern Massif Central of France] | |
| sport batteuse {f} [au cricket] | batsman [female] [batswoman is rarely used] | |
| cuis. méd. régime {m} alimentaire | diet [what one eats or what one is advised to eat] | |
| interlocutrice {f} [dans une conversation] | interlocutor [female person to whom one is talking] | |
| arts kōlam {m} | Kolam [traditional decorative Asian art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions] | |
| chasse hallali {m} | mort [note sounded on a horn when the quarry is killed] | |
| arts kōlam {m} | Muggu [traditional decorative Asian art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions] | |
| équi. bidet {m} [fam.] [cheval] | nag [coll.] [horse - especially pne that is old or in poor condition] | |
| arts polyptyque {m} | polyptych [a painting (usually panel painting) which is divided into sections, or panels.] | |
| cuis. potée {f} | potée [soup or stew pork and vegetables, most frequently, cabbage and potatoes of which choucroute is the most characteristic] | |
| géogr. Saba {f} [une île néerlandaise qui se situe dans le nord des Petites Antilles] | Saba [a Caribbean island which is the smallest special municipality of the Netherlands] | |
| comm. objet {m} de troc | swap [sth. that is exchanged] | |
| pierre {f} de touche [fig.] | touchstone [fig.] [standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognised/recognized] | |
2 Words: Others |
| dr. occup. [avocate éminente quand le monarque est masculin] | King's Counsel <KC> [female] [senior barrister when the monarch is male] | |
| dr. occup. [avocat éminent quand le monarque est masculin] | King's Counsel <KC> [senior barrister when the monarch is male] | |
| dr. occup. [avocate éminente quand le monarque est féminin] | Queen's Counsel <QC> [female] [senior barrister when the monarch is female] | |
| dr. occup. [avocat éminent quand le monarque est féminin] | Queen's Counsel <QC> [senior barrister when the monarch is male] | |
| à savoir {adv} | to wit [that is to say] | |
| c'est-à-dire {adv} <c.-à-d., c-à-d> | to wit [that is to say] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| laisser (tomber) qc. | to let sth. be [leave as is] | |
| déclouer qc. [décrocher qc. qui est cloué] | to take sth. down [which is held up by nails] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| liste {f} civile | Civil list [Br.] [individuals to whom money is paid by the government, typically for service to the state or as honorary pensions] | |
| ethn. pol. purification {f} ethnique | ethnic cleansing [term is subject to criticism] | |
| édition vade-mecum {m} [aussi : vadémécum] | vade mecum [handbook or guide that is kept constantly at hand for consultation] | |
3 Words: Others |
| Il est mort. | He has died. [he is dead] | |
| Les carottes sont cuites. [loc.] | I've had it. [idiom] [All is lost.] | |
| Rien n'y fait. [loc.] [tout est inefficace] | It's no use. [idiom] [everything is ineffective] | |
| C'est la vie. | That's the breaks. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [Such is life.] | |
| C'est la vie. | Them's the breaks. [Am.] [Aus.] [coll.] [Such is life.] | |
| de mémoire d'homme {adv} [loc.] | within living memory [idiom] [within or during a time that is remembered by people still alive] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| s'excuser de faire qc. | to apologize for doing sth. [which is continuing] | |
| déjouer le système [loc.] | to game the system [idiom] [to manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair] | |
| raconter des craques à qn. [fam.] [loc.] | to pull sb.'s leg [idiom] [make sb. believe sth. that is untrue] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| paquet {m} de nerfs [loc.] | bag of nerves [idiom] [someone who is extremely anxious or tense] | |
| auto trafic VocVoy. autoroute {f} en flux libre [aussi : free-flow] | free-flow tolling [also: all-electronic tolling or Open road tolling (ORT)] [This is a new system in France introduced on one motorway (A79)] | |
| cuis. pouding {m} chômeur [can.] | poor man's pudding [Canadian speciality: basic cake batter onto which a hot syrup or caramel is poured before baking] | |
| dr. fin. autoliquidation {f} de la TVA [mécanisme] | reverse charge procedure [note on invoices where the customer is liable for the payment of the VAT] | |
| hist. pol. serment {m} du Jeu de paume [1789] | Tennis Court Oath [a pivotal event in the French Revolution. In 1789, the members of the French Third Estate voted "not to separate until the Constitution of the kingdom is established"] | |
4 Words: Others |
| Il lui manque une dent. | He's missing a tooth. [One of his teeth is missing] | |
| Le fric rentre à foison. [fam.] [Les affaires marchent bien.] | The money's rolling in. [Business is thriving] [idiom] | |
| C'est la vie. | Those are the breaks. [coll.] [Such is life.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| dépouiller le courrier | to go through the mail [to see what is there] | |
| dépouiller le courrier | to sort through the mail [to see what is there] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| Il a beau être riche, il n'est pas heureux. | Although he is rich, he is not happy. | |
| à ce que je sais {adv} | as far as I know [it is my belief that] | |
| C'est au tour de qn./qc. | It is the turn for sb./sth. [It is up to sb./sth.] | |
| Mieux vaut se taire que mal parler. [loc.] | Speech is silver, silence is golden. [idiom] | |
| Mieux vaut se taire que mal parler. [loc.] | Talk is silver, silence is golden. [idiom] | |
| L'esprit est fort mais la chair est faible. [loc.] | The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. [idiom] | |
| L'erreur est humaine, persévérer [dans son erreur] est diabolique. | To err is human, (but) to persist is diabolical. [Citation : Seneca] | |
| Ce qui est en cause, c'est ... | What is at issue is ... | |
| Ce qui est en cause, c'est ... | What is at stake is ... | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| dr. tracer une frontière précise entre le légal et l'illégal [loc.] | to draw the line between what is legal and what is illegal [idiom] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. cuis. T | | |