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French-English translation for: [lettre]
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Dictionary French English: [lettre]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

French English
Amitiés. [en fin de lettre]Kindest regards.
typ. capital {adj} [lettre]capital
Cordialement, ...  la fin d'une lettre, d'un e-mail]Regards, ... [at the end of a letter, an e-mail]
dénonciateur {adj} [lettre, article]denunciatory
sec {adj} [lettre, ton]curt
rédiger qc. [lettre, note, etc.]
to write sth. [letter, note etc.]
décacheter qc. [lettre, etc.]
to unseal sth. [letter etc.]
ling. accentuer qc. [lettre]to put an accent on sth.
aérer qc. [document, lettre]to space sth. out
affranchir qc. [lettre]to put postage on sth.
conclure qc. [lettre]to finalise sth. [Br.]
conclure qc. [lettre]to finalize sth.
correspondre [par lettre]to correspond
correspondre [par lettre]to write letters to one another
décacheter qc. [lettre]to open sth. [letter]
déposer qn./qc. [objet, lettre, passager]to leave sb./sth.
édulcorer qc. [lettre, propos]to soften sth. [tone down]
édulcorer qc. [lettre, propos]to tone sth. down
édulcorer qc. [lettre, propos]to water sth. down [tone down]
fermer qc. [lettre]to seal sth.
intercepter qc. [lettre, message, ballon]to intercept sth.
libeller qc. [lettre, demande, article]to word sth.
parcourir qc. [lettre]to skim sth.
réexpédier qc. [lettre, etc.]to forward sth. [letter etc.]
tourner qc. [lettre, compliment, critique]to phrase sth.
inform. boucle {f} [de lacet, corde, lettre, programme informatique]
envoi {m} [lettre envoyé]
letter [that has been posted]
monnaie billet {m} [courte lettre, de banque]note [short letter] [Br.: bank note]
billet {m} [courte lettre]memo
billet {m} [courte lettre]memorandum
ling. eszett {m} [la lettre ß en allemand][the letter ß in German]
comm. expédition {f} [lettre, marchandises]dispatching [letter, goods]
adm. dr. libellé {m} [de jugement, lettre]wording
lisibilité {f} [d'écriture, de lettre]legibility
ling. omicron {m} <Ο, ο> [15e lettre de l'alphabet grec]omicron <Ο, ο> [15th Greek letter]
ling. pi {m} <Π, π> [lettre grecque]pi <Π, π> [Greek letter]
pli {m} [lettre]letter [correspondence]
porteur {m} [de nouvelles, d'une lettre]bearer
relance {f} [lettre]reminder
2 Words: Others
bien amicalement {adv} [formule de fin de lettre]cordially
Je t'embrasse. [fam.] [lettre]Best wishes.
2 Words: Verbs
adresser qc. à qn. [lettre]to send sth. to sb.
correspondre avec qn. [par lettre]to correspond with sb.
correspondre avec qn. [par lettre]to write (a letter) to sb.
dicter qc. [texte, lettre] qn.)to dictate sth. (to sb.)
3 Words: Others
aux bons soins {adv} <A.B.S., ABS, a/s> [lettre]care of <c/o>
Unverified de deux pages {adj} [lettre]two-page [attr.] [letter]
3 Words: Verbs
accuser réception de qc. [lettre, mandat]to acknowledge (receipt of) sth.
accuser réception de qc. [lettre]to acknowledge receipt of sth.
donner suite à qc. [lettre]to respond to sth.
4 Words: Others
aux bons soins de {adv} <ABS> [lettre]care of <c/o> [letter]
Veuillez trouver ci-joint ... [dans une lettre]Please find enclosed ... [in a letter]
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