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French-English translation for: [low-starch]
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Dictionary French English: [low starch]

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cuis. à chair fondante {adj} [pomme de terre, type B]primarily waxy [boiling potato, low-starch potato]
alim. cuis. fécule {f} de pomme de terrefarina [esp. Br.] [potato starch]
biochim. cuis. amidon {m} de pommes de terre [fécule]farina [esp. Br.] [potato starch]
psych. terrassé {adj} {past-p}shattered [laid low]
meub. tabouret {m}taboret [low stool]
médiocre {adj}shabby [of low quality]
piètre opinion {f}dim view [low opinion]
voix {f} gravelow voice [low in pitch]
caboulot {m} [fam.]boozer [Br.] [pub of low repute]
journ. journal {m} à sensationrag [coll.] [low-quality newspaper]
boulot {m} de merde [péj.] [vulg.]menial work [low boring work]
trapu {adj} [bâtiment : peu élevé, homme : râblé]squat [building : low-built, man : short and stocky]
racaille {f} [fam.] [péj.]scum [low life] [coll.] [pej.]
équi. hist. transp. calèche {f}calèche [light low-wheeled carriage with a removable folding hood]
géogr. massif {m} des Vosges [aussi : Vosges]Vosges [range of low mountains in Eastern France]
ling. voyelle {f} ouverte antérieure non arrondie [aussi : voyelle basse antérieure non arrondie]open front unrounded vowel [also: low front unrounded vowel]
géogr. hist. comté {m} de FlandreCounty of Flanders [historic territory in the Low Countries founded in 862, centred around the cities of Ghent, Bruges and Ypres]
géogr. hist. comté {m} de ZélandeCounty of Zeeland [county of the Holy Roman Empire in the Low Countries, covering an area in the Scheldt and Meuse delta (roughly today's Dutch province of Zeeland)]
hist. relig. dévotion {f} moderne [devotio moderna]Modern Devotion [devotio moderna] [a movement for relious reform, flourishing in the low countries and Germany in 1C and 15C]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Brouwershaven [1426]Battle of Brouwershaven [in 1426, was part of the (1345-1490) wars over control of the Low Countries and resulted in victory for the Duke of Burgundy against mainly English forces]
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