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French-English translation for: [meat]
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Dictionary French English: [meat]

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

cuis. saignant {adj} [viande]
rare [meat]
coriace {adj} [viande]chewy [meat]
cuis. dur {adj} [viande]chewy [meat]
cuis. en gelée {adj}jellied [meat, eel, etc.]
cuis. persillé {adj} {past-p} [viande]marbled [meat]
caoutchouteux {adj} [aussi fig. pour viande dure]rubbery [also fig. for chewy meat]
cuis. avarié {adj} {past-p} [viande, poisson]tainted [meat, fish]
cuis. non avarié {adj} {past-p} [viande, poisson]untainted [meat, fish]
cuis. trancher qc. [pain, viande]
to slice sth. [bread, meat]
cuis. désosser qc.to bone sth. [meat]
alim. cuis. boucaner qc. [viande]to cure sth. [meat]
cuis. parer qc. [viande, poisson, volaille]to dress sth. [meat, fish, poultry]
cuis. hacher qc. [viande]to grind sth. [Am.] [meat]
cuis. faisander qc. [gibier]to hang sth. [meat]
cuis. parer qc. [viande, poisson, volaille]to prepare sth. [meat, fish, poultry]
cuis. inciser qc. [viande, poisson]to score sth. [meat, fish]
alim. cuis. boucaner qc. [viande]to smoke sth. [meat]
cuis. bouchoyade {f} [suisse][country feast to eat up meat from freshly slaughtered pigs]
cuis. fête {f} du cochon[country feast to eat up meat from freshly slaughtered pigs]
cuis. paillard {m}[slice of meat pounded thin and grilled]
cuis. leberkäse {m} [terrine de viande][type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
cuis. fromage {m} d'Italie [suisse] [terrine de viande][type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
cuis. hamburger {m}beefburger [Br.] [meat patty in a bun]
cuis. géogr. viande {f} des GrisonsBündnerfleisch [air-dried meat produced in the Grisons canton of Switzerland]
cuis. cassoulet {m}cassoulet [meat and (haricot) bean stew]
morceau {m} [viande]cut [meat]
cuis. escabèche {f}escabeche [generic name for variety of Iberian & Latin American dishes consisting of marinated fish or meat]
cuis. galantine {f}galantine [a dish of boned stuffed meat, poached and served cold, coated with aspic]
cuis. jus {m} de rôtigravy [using juice from roast meat]
cuis. viande {f} d'agneaulamb [meat]
cuis. collier {m} [en boucherie]neck [meat]
cuis. sot-l'y-laisse {m}oysters {pl} [two small, round pieces of dark meat on the back of poultry near the thigh]
cuis. part {f} [viande, riz, etc.]portion [meat, rice etc.]
cuis. tendreté {f}tenderness [of meat etc.]
2 Words: Others
cuis. à point {adj} [viande]medium rare [meat]
2 Words: Verbs
cuis. être avarié [viande, poisson]to be off [meat, fish]
cuis. tourner [lait, sauce, viande]to go off [milk, sauce, meat]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. bas morceau {m} [en boucherie]cheap cut [of meat]
cuis. morceau {m} de choix [en boucherie]choice cut [of meat]
alim. cuis. viande {f} cultivéecultured meat [in-vitro meat]
cuis. fondue {f} bourguignonnefondue bourguignonne [meat dipped in hot oil]
cuis. homard {m} Thermidorlobster Thermidor [lobster meat cooked in a rich wine sauce, stuffed back into a lobster shell, and browned]
cuis. bon morceau {m} [en boucherie]nice cut [of meat]
3 Words: Nouns
agr. alim. orn. poulet {m} fermierfree-range chicken [for meat]
cuis. feuille {f} de chou farciestuffed cabbage roll [usually with minced meat]
4 Words: Verbs
cuis. débrider qc. [ôter les ficelles de cuisson]to cut the strings on sth. [joint of meat etc.]
cuis. dégraisser qc. [jambon, viande]to remove excess fat from sth. [ham, meat]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
cuis. orn. T
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