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French-English translation for: [method]
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Dictionary French English: [method]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

mettre un terme à qc.to discontinue sth. [e.g. a method, the use]
pratiquer qc. [méthode]to use sth. [e.g. method]
manière {f} [façon]
way [method]
hist. mil. chevauchée {f}[a raiding method of medieval warfare for weakening the enemy, primarily by burning and pillaging enemy territory]
décapitation {f}beheading [execution / murder method]
pendaison {f}hanging [execution method]
manque {m} de fiabilitéunreliability [of machine, method, technique]
2 Words: Nouns
méthode {f} alternativealternative way [method]
math. méthode {f} de Nelder-Meadamoeba method [Nelder–Mead method]
math. méthode {f} de la bissection [aussi : méthode de dichotomie]bisection method [also: interval halving method, binary search method, or dichotomy method]
math. méthode {f} de BrentBrent's method [also: Brent–Dekker method]
math. principe {m} de Cavalieri [aussi : méthode des indivisibles]Cavalieri's principle [also: method of indivisibles]
biol. coït {m} interrompu [aussi : méthode du retrait]coitus interruptus [also: withdrawal method]
math. pol. méthode {f} (d'agrégation par paires) de CopelandCopeland's method [also: Llull's method or round-robin voting]
math. pol. méthode {f} D'HondtD'Hondt method [also: Jefferson method or the greatest divisors method] [method for allocating seats in parliaments in party-list proportional representation systems]
peloton {m} d'exécutionfiring squad [execution method]
chambre {f} à gazgas chamber [execution method]
math. méthode {f} de Gauss-SeidelGauss–Seidel method [also: Liebmann method or the method of successive displacement]
math. méthode {f} de Dandelin-GräffeGraeffe's method [also: Dandelin–Lobachesky–Graeffe method]
théâtre la Méthode {f} [aussi : Système Stanislavski]method acting [also: the Method]
math. méthode {f} de Newton [aussi : méthode de Newton-Raphson]Newton's method [also: Newton–Raphson method]
math. méthode {f} de Nelder-Meadpolytope method [Nelder–Mead method]
math. méthode {f} regula falsiregula falsi [also: method of false position]
math. méthode {f} de la fausse positionregula falsi [also: method of false position]
math. méthode {f} des excédents et déficitsregula falsi [also: method of false position]
math. algorithme {m} du simplexesimplex algorithm [also: simplex method]
3 Words: Nouns
inform. internet attaque {f} par force brutebrute-force attack [also: brute-force method]
math. phys. méthode {f} des éléments discretsdiscrete element method <DEM> [also: distinct element method]
math. méthode {f} de Nelder-Meaddownhill simplex method [Nelder–Mead method]
math. pol. méthode {f} de Sainte-LaguëSainte-Laguë method [also: Webster method]
4 Words: Nouns
chim. math. phys. méthode {f} de Hartree-FockHartree–Fock method <HF method
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