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Dictionary French English: [more]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

éduc. Plus est en vous.[A motto used by a number of colleges, including Gordonstoun School (Scotland), roughly translated as 'There is more in you'.]
plus ou moins {adv}about [more or less]
en plus {adv}extra [more]
simple {adj}mere [just, no more than]
plus qu'assez {adj}plenty [more than enough]
condenser qc.to compress sth. [fig.] [condense, make more concise]
sociol. famille {f} homoparentale[LGBT adults parenting one or more children]
lèse-majesté {f}[offense against a sovereign; or, more generally, any slight or insult that wounds someone's dignity.]
ling. méd. aphérèse {f} [perte au début d'un mot]aphaeresis [Br.] [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word; donation of blood cells]
ling. méd. aphérèse {f} [perte au début d'un mot]apheresis [Am.] [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word; donation of blood cells]
vêt. collants {m.pl}tights [more than one pair]
2 Words
relooker qc. [fam.] [produit]to amp sth. (up) [Am.] [coll.] [make more exciting, interesting]
égayer qc. [donner une apparence plus gaie]to brighten sth. up [make a place etc. look more cheerful]
cuis. corser qc. [aussi fig. : rendre plus excitant]to spice sth. up [also fig.: make more exciting]
cuis. déjeunerto take lunch [more formal than 'have lunch']
sociol. tour {m} d'abandonbaby flap [more rarely] [baby hatch]
sociol. boîte {f} à bébésbaby flap [more rarely] [baby hatch]
3 Words
de plus en plus {adv}more and more
hist. pol. congrès {m} d'Arras [1435]Congress of Arras [in 1435, 1st international peace conference between France, England & Burgundy and observers from Aragon, Bohemia, Brittany, Castile, Denmark, Holy Roman Empire, and many more.]
armes mil. armes {f.pl} de destruction massivemass destruction weapons [more commonly: weapons of mass destruction]
4 Words
Du nerf ! [fam.] [loc.]Give it some welly ! [coll.] [idiom] [put more effort into it!]
jeux Rien ne va plus.Rien ne va plus. [casino: No more bets.]
plus ... plus {adv}the more ... the more
hist. pol. Bulle {f} d'or (de 1356) [aussi : bulle d'or de Nuremberg ou bulle d'or de Metz]Golden Bull of 1356 [a decree which fixed, for a period of more than four hundred years, important aspects of the constitutional structure of the Holy Roman Empire]
géogr. hist. mil. guerre {f} des Hameçons et des Cabillauds [aussi guerre des Crochets et des Cabillauds] [1345-1490]Hook and Cod wars [1345-1490] [series of battles in the County of Holland between the Cod faction (the more progressive cities of Holland) and the Hook faction ( the conservative noblemen).]
5+ Words
Plus ça change, plus ça reste la même chose. [1849] [Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr]The more it changes, the more it's the same thing. [often quoted in French]
comm. Et avec ça ? [plus d'achats]Would there be anything else? [more purchases]
comm. écon. être à la pointe [loc.]to be ahead of the curve [idiom] [more advanced than others]
décrotter qn. [fam.] [dégrossir]to knock the rough edges off sb. [coll.] [idiom] [make more genteel]
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