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Dictionary French English: [name]

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supposé {adj} {past-p} [faux - nom]assumed [name]
scander qc.to chant sth. [slogan, name]
dr. blanchir qn./qc. [accusé, nom]to clear sb./sth. [defendant, name]
inscrire qc.to enter sth. [e.g. name on a form]
ling. franciser qc. [p. ex. nom]to Frenchify sth. [e.g. name]
alim. cuis. fruit {m} à coque[generic name for all kinds of nuts, generally used in allegy warnings]
cuis. bredele {m}[name of a small bread in Alsace]
hist. meix {m} [vieilli][old name for a farmer's house]
biol. ling. binôme {m}binomen [binominal name]
dénomination {f}designation [official name]
cuis. escabèche {f}escabeche [generic name for variety of Iberian & Latin American dishes consisting of marinated fish or meat]
géogr. hist. Formose {f}Formosa [former name for Taiwan]
truc {m}jigger [device without a name]
géogr. hist. Kennemerland {m}Kennemerland [coastal region in the northwestern Netherlands, its name comes from the Kennemer people, who were Frisians that fought with the Counts of Holland and lost in the Middle Ages]
comm. mus. vêt. label {m}label [brand name, esp. music and clothing industry]
terme {m} inappropriémisnomer [inappropriate name]
qualification {f} [appellation]term [name]
cuis. tomme {f}tomme [generic name given to a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland]
inform. internet nom {m} d'utilisateurusername [user name]
2 Words: Verbs
s'appeler [se nommer]to be called [name]
affubler qn. de qc. [péj.] [prénom, surnom]to saddle sb. with sth. [pej.] [name]
échapper à qn. [mot, nom]to slip sb.'s mind [word, name]
2 Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. pol. principautés {f.pl} danubiennes [aussi : provinces danubiennes]Danubian Principalities [conventional name given to the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia]
morinom {m} [dead name]dead name
adm. géogr. Grand Est {m} [région administrative française] [région Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine]Grand Est [name since 2016 of the previous regions Alsace, Champagne-Ardennes and Lorraine]
géogr. géol. naut. aber {m}large estuary [name in Brittany for a ria]
relig. chrétien {m} nominalnominal Christian [Christian in name only]
hist. pol. traités {m.pl} inégaux [1840-1950]unequal treaties [1840-1950] [Chinese name for series of one-sided treaties signed with European powers]
cuis. béchamel {f}white sauce [common name for the classic Béchamel Sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} béchamel [aussi : béchamelle]white sauce [common name for the classic Béchamel Sauce]
3 Words: Verbs
onom. être le diminutif de qc.to be short for sth. [name]
3 Words: Nouns
adm. géogr. Hauts-de-France {m.pl} [région administrative française] [région Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie]Hauts-de-France [name since 2016 of the previous regions Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardie]
coordonnées {f.pl} [de personne]personal contact details [name, address, telephone number, email address]
géogr. pol. République {f} française <RF>Republic of France [official name of France]
4 Words: Others
au large de {adv} [+indication de lieu]at the level of [place name]
5+ Words: Nouns
géogr. pol. Unverified État {m} de Rhode Island et des Plantations de Providence [États-Unis]State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations [USA] [official name of Rhode Island]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Le Petit Chose [Alphonse Daudet (1868)]Little Good-For-Nothing [also: Little What's-His-Name]
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