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Dictionary French English: [other]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

d'autres {pron}
others [other ones]
autrui {pron}
others [other people]
d'un côté à l'autre de {prep}across [from one side to the other of]
d'un côté à l'autre {adv}across [from one side to the other]
de l'autre côté {adv}across [on or to the other side]
à part qc. {prep}beyond sth. [other than]
écon. trouver une solution à qc.to solve sth. [crisis] [possibly other solutions]
cuis. choucroute {f} garnie[Alsacian speciality - sauerkraut with sausages and other salted meats, charcuterie, and often potatoes]
cuis. spéculoos {m} [spéculos, spéculaus][spiced biscuit in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas]
cuis. flan {m} pâtissier nature[traditional preparation found in French patisseries, a base to which you can add fruit or other ingredients]
chasse mus. appeau {m} [pipeau]call [instrument for imitating a particular bird or other animal]
bibine {f} [fam.] [péj.]dishwater [cheap beer or other alcoholic drink]
pol. sociol. déplacé {m} forcé [de sa patrie]expellee [e.g. ethnic and native Germans expelled from other countries after WW II]
pol. sociol. déplacée {f} forcée [de sa patrie]expellee [female] [e.g. ethnic and native Germans expelled from other countries after WW II]
cuis. garbure {f}Garbure [thick French stew made with ham, cabbage and other vegetables, cheese, stale bread]
mil. généralissime {m}generalissimo [military rank of the highest degree, superior to field marshal and other five-star ranks]
revers {m} [côté opposé, échec]reverse [other / reverse side, setback]
nuance {f}tinge [hint of flavour or other quality]
2 Words: Others
outre {prep}apart from [other than]
d'affilée {adv}in tandem [one behind the other]
d'autruiof others [other people]
2 Words: Verbs
colporter qc.to spread sth. around [telling other people]
se soutenirto stick together [idiom] [stand by each other]
2 Words: Nouns
meub. lits {m.pl} superposésbunk bed [pair of beds, one above the other]
cuis. sauce {f} gribichegribiche sauce [a cold egg sauce with mustard and other herbs]
géogr. hist. Îles {f.pl} des Princes [un archipel de neuf îles dans la mer de Marmara au sud-est d'Istanbul en Turquie]Prince Islands [also: Prince Archipelago or Adalar] [during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods, princes and other royalty were exiled here]
3 Words: Others
à l'enfilade {adv}in a row [one after the other]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. deuxième guerre {f} balkanique [1913]Second Balkan War [1913] [Balkan League countries against each other]
hist. pol. traité {f} de Vereeniging [1902]Treaty of Vereeniging [1902] [ended the Second Boer War between the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, on the one side, and the United Kingdom on the other]
4 Words: Others
d'un autre côté {adv}at the same time [on the other hand]
5+ Words: Verbs
avoir de l'entregentto be able to mix well [with other people]
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