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Dictionary French English: [over]

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mélo {adj} [fam.]slushy [coll.] [over-sentimental, schmaltzy]
d'une sentimentalité excessive {adj}slushy [coll.] [over-sentimental, schmaltzy]
là-bas {adv}thither [archaic or formal] [to there, situated over there]
là-bas {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect] [over there]
visible là-bas {adj}yonder [archaic or dialect] [visible over there]
prendre qc. [contrôle]to assume sth. [take over] [e.g. control]
reconsidérer qc.to consider sth. [think over]
dégorger [déverser son trop-plein]to disgorge [spill over]
se recroquevillerto hunch [bend over]
passer qc. [donner]to pass sth. [give, hand over]
relayer qn.to relieve sb. [take over from]
revenir sur qc. [revoir, réexaminer]to revisit sth. [fig.] [review, go back over]
orn. frôler qc.to skim sth. [fly over]
chicaner [sur / pour]to squabble [about / over]
vêt. voile {m}
veil [over face]
sport bogey {m}bogey [in golf] [one over par]
hydro. coup {m} de merbreakers {pl} [powerful waves breaking over the coastal region]
meub. ciel {m} de litcanopy [hanging from the ceiling over a bed]
comm. enseigne {f}fascia [Br.] [over a shop]
comm. panneau {m}fascia [Br.] [over a shop]
géogr. Outre-Rhin {m} [Allemagne]Germany [as viewed from France: over the Rhine]
arch. relig. calvaire {m}martyrium [church or shrine built over the tomb of a Christian martyr]
dr. maison {f} centraleprison [for offenders with sentences over two years]
croc-en-jambe {m}trip [to make sb. fall over]
2 Words: Others
avec le temps {adv} [loc.]in time [idiom] [e.g. over the years]
2 Words: Verbs
se disputer avec qn.  propos de qc.]to argue with sb. [about / over sth.]
tendre qc. de qc.to cover sth. with sth. [by stretching it over]
retourner qc. [sol]to dig sth. up [turn over]
relever qc. [remettre debout]to pick sth. up [which has fallen over]
faire des ricochets avec des caillouxto skim stones [on and over water]
jeux faire des ricochets [faire rebondir un galet]to skim stones [over water]
réfléchir à qc.to turn sth. over [think over]
2 Words: Nouns
vêt. pull {m} à col roulé [fam.] [pull-over à col roulé]roll neck
3 Words: Others
à différentes reprises {adv}over and over
à maintes reprises {adv}over and over
maintes et maintes fois {adv}over and over
3 Words: Verbs
être majeurto be of age [18 or over]
reconsidérer qc.to go back over sth. [think over]
se brouiller avec qn. cause de qc.) [se disputer]to quarrel (with sb. about sth.) [over a long period of time]
se casser la tête [fam.] [loc.] [sur un problème]to rack one's brain [over a problem] [idiom]
se casser la tête [fam.] [loc.] [sur un problème]to rack one's brains [coll.] [idiom] [over a problem]
se casser la figure [fam.] [loc.] [faire une chute]to take a tumble [idiom] [fall over]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Andrinople [378] [aussi : bataille d'Adrianople ; aujourd'hui Edirne en Turquie européenne]Battle of Adrianople [378] [also: Battle of Hadrianopolis] [overwhelming victory of the Goths over the Eastern Roman Empire]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du pont d'Arcole [1796]Battle of Arcole [1796] [French army victory over Austrian army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Bassano [1796]Battle of Bassano [1796] [French army victory over Austrian army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Bénévent [275 av. J.-C.] [aussi : bataille de Beneventum]Battle of Beneventum [275 BC] [victory of Roman Republic over Pyrrhus]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Brouwershaven [1426]Battle of Brouwershaven [in 1426, was part of the (1345-1490) wars over control of the Low Countries and resulted in victory for the Duke of Burgundy against mainly English forces]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Tchaldiran [1514]Battle of Chaldiran [1514] [decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavid Empire]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Dornach [1499]Battle of Dornach [1499] [victory of the Old Swiss Confederacy over the Swabian League]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Guinegatte [1479]Battle of Guinegate [in 1479, first battle in what became over 500 years of conflict between France and the Habsburgs, Battle won by the Habsburgs]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Mühldorf [1322] [aussi : bataille d'Ampfing]Battle of Mühldorf [1322] [Bavarian victory over the Habsburgs] [also: Battle of Ampfing]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Oldendorf [1633]Battle of Oldendorf [1633] [victory of Swedish Army and allies over Holy Roman army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Audenarde [1708]Battle of Oudenarde [1708] [also: Battle of Oudenaarde] [great victory for the Grand Alliance over France in the War of the Spanish Succession]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Peterwardein [1716] [auusi : bataille de Petrovaradin]Battle of Petrovaradin [1716] [also: Battle of Peterwardein] [major victory of Habsburgs over the Ottomans during the Austro-Turkish War]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Rain am Lech [1632]Battle of Rain [1632] [victory of Swedish army over Catholic League forces]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Rheinfelden [1638]Battle of Rheinfelden [1638] [French-Weimaran victory over a joint Bavarian and Holy Roman Empire army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Tannenberg [1914] [maintenant Stębark en Pologne]Battle of Tannenberg [1914] [German victory over Russia]
hydro. coup {m} de merheavy sea swell [powerful waves breaking over the coastal region]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} d'Alésia [52 av. J.-C.]siege of Alesia [52 BC] [also: battle of Alesia] [Roman victory over confederation of Gallic tribes, completing the conquest of Gaul]
hist. mil. relig. siège {m} d'Antioche [1097 - 1098]siege of Antioch [1097 - 1098] [victory of Crusaders over the Seljuk Empire]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Sagonte [219-218 av. J.-C.]siege of Saguntum [219 - 218 BC] [victory of Carthaginians over the Saguntines, triggering the 2nd Punic War]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1763]Treaty of Paris [1763] [between kingdoms of Great Britain, France, Spain, & Portugal, after Great Britain and Prussia's victory over France and Spain in the Seven Years' War]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1920]Treaty of Paris [1920] [signed by France, UK, Italy & Japan, recognising Romanian sovereignty over Bessarabia]
4 Words: Others
à plusieurs reprises {adv} [loc.]over and over again [idiom]
4 Words: Verbs
faire traîner son repas [loc.]to draw out one's meal [idiom] [take a long time over, drag out]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} des Cardinaux [1759]Battle of Quiberon Bay [1759] [major victory of British navy over the French]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} du Métaure [207 av. J.-C.]Battle of the Metaurus [207 BC] [Roman army routed the Carthaginian army, confirming Roman supremacy over Italy]
hist. mil. naut. guerre {f} de l'oreille de Jenkins [1739 - 1748]War of Jenkins' Ear [1739 - 1748] [dispute between Britain and Spain over access to markets in Spanish America]
5+ Words: Verbs
remâcher qc. [fig.] [ressasser]to muse on sth. over and over
faire appeler qn.to put out a call for sb. [over a public address system]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Alte Veste [1632]Battle of the Alte Veste [1632] [victory of Catholic League forces over Swedish army]
géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Québec [1759]Battle of the Plains of Abraham [1759] [also: Battle of Quebec] [deciding moment in the conflict between France and Britain over the fate of New France, influencing the later creation of Canada]
hist. mil. pol. première bataille {f} des lacs de Mazurie [1914]First Battle of the Masurian Lakes [1914] [German victory over Russia]
hist. mil. naut. seconde bataille {f} du cap Finisterre [1747]second battle of Cape Finisterre [1747] [major victory of British navy over the French]
hist. mil. pol. seconde bataille {f} des lacs de Mazurie [1915]Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes [1915] [German victory over Russia] [also: Winter Battle of the Masurian Lakes]
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