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 | cuis. [sorte de pain perdu] | bread and butter pudding [dessert made with bread and eggs] |  |
 | cuis. avarié {adj} [pain] | stale |  |
 | relig. bénit {adj} [pain] | blessed |  |
 | méd. cuisant {adj} [douleur] | burning [pain] |  |
 | fulgurant {adj} [douleur] | stinging [also pain] |  |
 | geignant {adj} {pres-p} | moaning [with pain] |  |
 | méd. intense {adj} [douleur] | extreme [pain] |  |
 | lancinant {adj} [douleur] | shooting [pain] |  |
 | obsédant {adj} [problème, douleur] | nagging [problem, pain] |  |
 | cuis. pâteux {adj} [pain] | stodgy |  |
 | rassis {adj} [pain] | stale [bread] |  |
Verbs |
 | soulager qc. [douleur] | 3 to alleviate sth. [pain] |  |
 | cuis. beurrer qc. [pain] | 2 to butter sth. [bread] |  |
 | soulager qc. [douleur, souffrance] | 2 to ease sth. [pain, suffering] |  |
 | cuis. trancher qc. [pain, viande] | 2 to slice sth. [bread, meat] |  |
 | apaiser qc. [douleur] | to mitigate sth. [pain] |  |
 | atténuer qc. [douleur] | to alleviate sth. [pain] |  |
 | atténuer qc. [douleur] | to ease sth. [pain] |  |
 | calmer qc. [douleur, soif] | to alleviate sth. [pain, thirst] |  |
 | cuis. couper qc. [pain, gâteau] | to slice sth. |  |
 | cuis. durcir [pain] | to go hard [bread] |  |
 | méd. élancer qn./qc. | to hurt sb./sth. [causing a shooting or throbbing pain] |  |
 | méd. endormir qn. [affaiblir - douleur] | to deaden sth. [pain] |  |
 | étreindre qn. [fig.] [oppresser] | to constrain sb. [e.g. by pain] |  |
 | méd. exciter qc. [intensifier - douleur] | to intensify sth. [pain] |  |
 | geindre | to moan [with pain or displeasure] |  |
 | méd. lénifier qc. | to mitigate sth. [pain] |  |
 | lénifier qc. | to take the edge off sth. [idiom] [pain, anger] |  |
 | cuis. rassir [pain] | to become dry [bread] |  |
 | cuis. rassir [pain] | to become stale [bread: dry] |  |
 | cuis. s'éventer [pain] | to go stale |  |
 | méd. s'intensifier [douleur] | to become more intense [pain] |  |
 | supprimer qc. [faire disparaître douleur, anxiété] | to relieve sth. [pain] |  |
 | tremper qc. [pain] | to dip sth. [bread, biscuit, cookie] |  |
Nouns |
 | cuis. croûte {f} [pain] | 2 crust [bread] |  |
 | cuis. miette {f} [de pain, gâteau] | 2 crumb |  |
 | méd. adoucissement {m} [soulagement] | relief [from pain] |  |
 | méd. aggravation {f} | increase [in pain etc.] |  |
 | cuis. bagel {m} [petit pain en forme d'anneau] [can.] | bagel |  |
 | cuis. canapé {m} [petit pain grillé garni] | canapé |  |
 | cuis. chocolatine {f} [pain au chocolat, terme utilisé dans le sud-ouest de la France] [can.] | chocolate croissant |  |
 | cuis. croûton {m} [extrémité d'un pain] | end crust of bread |  |
 | cuis. faluche {f} [pain] [belge] | soda bread |  |
 | cuis. ficelle {f} [pain] | thin bagette |  |
 | cuis. ficelle {f} [pain] | (small thin) baguette |  |
 | cuis. fougasse {f} [pain] | fougasse [French bread] |  |
 | cuis. languette {f} [de pain, jambon] | long narrow strip |  |
 | cuis. miche {f} [petit pain] | roll |  |
 | cuis. mie {f} [intérieur du pain] | crumb [the inside of bread] |  |
 | anat. méd. mittelschmerz {m} | mittelschmerz [ovulation pain] |  |
 | cuis. pâte {f} [pour faire du pain] | dough |  |
 | cuis. pudding {m} [à base de pain rassis] | bread pudding [dessert made with bread and fruit] |  |
 | cuis. pumpernickel {m} [pain de seigle] | pumpernickel [bread] |  |
 | cuis. rassissement {m} [pain ou aliments à base de pâte] | staling [going stale] |  |
 | souffrances {f.pl} | distress {sg} [pain] |  |
 | soulagement {m} | alleviation [of pain] |  |
 | cuis. talon {m} [de jambon, saucisson, pain] | end (piece) [of bread, etc] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | méd. irradier dans qc. [p. ex. douleur] | to spread in sth. [e.g. pain] |  |
 | redemander qc. à qn. [à boire, du pain, du dessert, etc.] | to ask sb. for sth. |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | bout {m} de qc. [pain, bois, terrain] | piece of sth. |  |
 | cuis. galette {f} croustillante [pain de seigle authentique du Tyrol du Sud] | brittle bread [South Tyrolean hard crisp flatbread] |  |
 | cuis. pain {m} croustillant [pain suédois] | crispbread |  |
 | cuis. pain {m} croustillant [pain suédois] | crisp bread |  |
 | cuis. pain {m} croustillant [pain suédois] | Wasa® bread |  |
 | cuis. pistolet {m} (croquant) [petit pain] [belge] | [crusty Belgian bread] |  |
 | cuis. tartine {f} croustillante [pain croquant suédois] | crispbread |  |
 | cuis. tartine {f} croustillante [pain croquant suédois] | crisp bread |  |
 | cuis. tartine {f} croustillante [pain croquant suédois] | Wasa® bread |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | alim. cuis. de fabrication artisanale {adj} [pain] | made by traditional methods |  |
 | qui fait pleurer {adj} [douloureux] | eye-watering [spicy food, emotion, pain] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | méd. point {m} de côté | stitch [sudden pain] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | C'est du pain bénit. [loc.] [aussi : c'est pain bénit] | That's a godsend. [idiom] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | méd. atteindre à son paroxysme [douleur] | to reach its height [pain] |  |
 | casser les couilles à qn. [vulg.] | to get on sb.'s nerves [coll.] [idiom] [be a pain in the neck] |  |
 | méd. être à son paroxysme [douleur] | to be at its height [pain] |  |